Thinking Into Results
What is Thinking Into Results
Thinking Into Results is an exceptionally designed program presented in twelve relevant, simple and practical lessons, to ensure that the methods and success mindset taught become a part of you. You will begin thinking and taking action at a higher level of awareness which will manifest as improved results in every area of your life, both personal and professional. When you invest in yourself, you are not only improving your life; you are improving the lives of those around you.
Below is a breakdown of each Lesson topic.
Lesson One: Worthy Ideal
Business Principle: Goal Setting and Achieving
Benefits: This lesson explains how to set and achieve goals that promote quantum leaps.
Lesson Two: Knowing Doing Gap
Business Principle: Return on Investment
Benefits: This lesson teaches you how to change your behavior and close the gap between what you know and what you actually do. How to get from where you are now to where you want to be.
Lesson Three: Infinite Mind
Business Principle: Productivity and Efficiency
Benefits: Employees will turn their non-productive habits, and become more efficient and productive in their job, which leads to an increase in the bottom line for the company, as well as a reduction in turnover and an increase in retention and performance. This is about using your mind to create the results you want in your life.
Lesson Four: The Secret Genie
Business Principle: Peak performance of employees
Benefits: This lesson teaches how the mind works – and how to use your mind to create the results you want. How to untap one’s true potential.
Lesson Five: Thinking Into Results
Business Principle: Innovation and proactive thinking
Benefits: This lesson teaches you how to think and how to analyze your thinking…helping you realize past results are a reflection of past thinking – to change what you are getting you have to change your thinking. This is about staying in charge no matter one’s circumstances. This lesson introduces our six higher faculties and is about learning how to use them properly enabling us to live in harmony with the laws of the universe to get the results we want.
Lesson Six: Environment is but Our Looking Glass
Business Principle: Creating powerful teams
Benefits: This lesson helps you understand that to be more productive and create better results you have to change your image of yourself. This is about using our mind to create an image of ourselves knowing the image we hold creates our results. The results you are achieving in your life are a direct reflection of the image you currently have of yourself., a winner with a successful self-image. Here we learn that if we improve our image, the improvement will be reflected in our results.
Lesson Seven: Trample the Terror Barrier
Business Principle: Overcoming barriers to success
Benefits: This lesson teaches you about the fear you’ll experience in pursuit of your goals – and how to overcome it. We’ll learn how to overcome fear and procrastination. The terror barrier is a psychological barrier we create for ourselves that is related to our self-image. It comes up whenever we are doing something we’re not used to doing or have never done before.
Lesson Eight: The Power of Praxis
Business Principle: Aligning actions and results with company vision
Benefits: This lesson connects your beliefs with your behavior. When you change from non-productive to productive actions, your results can then match your goals. Praxis is the integration of belief with behavior. This lesson on Praxis is vital because you will never accomplish anything until you believe you can. You ‘ll learn how to align beliefs that are in harmony with the laws of the universe, with your behavior so that you get the results you want.
Lesson Nine: The Magic Word
Business Principle: The attitude and mindset of high-producing teams
Benefits: This lesson gives a very complete definition of attitude and explains how to change it. The result is having your thoughts, beliefs, and actions aligned so that you are more productive and efficient. In this lesson, you’ll learn that your attitude is a composite of 3 things – your thoughts, your feelings, your actions. Attitude is everything.
Lesson Ten: The Most Valuable Person
Business Principle: Effective Leadership
Benefits: This lesson helps you develop qualities of leadership in addition to being able to also be a good follower. This is about how to develop yourself into a leader. A leader is someone who knows where he or she is going and is able to persuade others to go along. Everyone has leadership ability in them. This lesson challenges you to step into the goal of what you desire to create in your life both personally and professionally.
Lesson Eleven: Leaving Everyone with the Impression of Increase
Business Principle: Profit through service
Benefits: This lesson emphasizes giving with no expectation of return in service to others. It promotes a high standard of performance in all aspects of your life. In this lesson, you’ll learn to give another person your undivided attention and habitually leave everyone you meet with the “Impression of Increase.” You will automatically begin to see where you can give a person a sincere, merited compliment or see a way that you are able to help them to improve the quality of their life. This is definitely one of the secrets to success
Lesson Twelve: Magnifying the Mind
Business Principle: Team Problem Solving
Benefits: This lesson lays out the steps for a quantum leap, leading to dramatic results in performance. You are shown ways to sustain success so they keep getting better and better at what you are doing. This lesson introduces a concept called the MasterMind, which teaches you that the mind of a group is better than the mind of each person individually.
Thinking Into Results creates a mindset that promotes growth allowing you to create desired results over and over again.
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D. and Tené K. Kosmyna
Proctor Gallagher Consultants are certified to partner with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Not only are they qualified, but they’re individually endorsed by the Proctor Gallagher Institute.
Proctor Gallagher Consultants honor the client as the expert in his or her own personal and work life. They believe every client is creative, resourceful and whole.
Standing on this foundation, the Consultant’s responsibility is to:
- Discover, clarify and align with what the client wants to achieve.
- Encourage client self-discovery.
- Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies.
- Hold the client responsible and accountable.
And if that’s not enough, for a limited time these value added Inner Circle bonuses are included:
First of all know that…
Thinking Into Results – is a program that will absolutely transform your dreams into reality. Your goals into achievements and your thinking into results.
This is a quantum leap goal achievement program and a process for radical personal transformation.
Delivered by Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher, Tené Kosmyna and Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna AND coached and facilitated by all of us over a six month period. This isn’t here, watch a video, you’re on your own. It is US with you every step of the way as we host LIVE bi-weekly sessions via video conference calls lasting from 60-120 minutes.
Inner Circle Members also receive at no additional charge:
- Thinking Into Results, by design is a six month program EXCEPT Inner Circle members, meaning clients coming on board in August of 2020, get UNLIMITED ACCESS to us as your personal consultants, mentors and coaches. No additional charges or fees, ever!
- Stephen’s 21 Day Prosperity Program. This is an audio series written and recorded by Stephen in his trademark meditative style over gentle flowing music to make an immediate shift in consciousness.
- Stephen and / or Tené will record for you YOUR Affirmative Statement of Goals / Dreams for you so you can replay over and over. It’s the repetition that makes the changes in the subconscious mind.
- Your IMAGE recorded for you by Tené or Stephen so you can replay it over and over. It’s the repetition that makes the changes in the subconscious mind. Your IMAGE will make more sense to you as you become immersed in the program.
- Also, if requested, your recorded goal statement, image and vison will be layered over soft music or a unique hand drum rhythm track, played by Stephen just for you. You’ll be learning in our time together how rhythm accelerates the realization of our dreams!
- A one on one belief clearing session with Tené. Tené is a certified belief clearing practitioner and this specialized skill will help to get to the root of your well anchored beliefs that are attached to unwanted paradigms that must go and be replaced.
- For type two diabetics, a customized lifestyle plan and additional consultation from Tené so you can say adios to diabetes forever!
- We come to you seminars and workshops! We’ll come to your city and present a seminar / workshop for you and your group of friends, colleagues, family and associates. And we’ll do this at our expense! You’ll also get one on one coaching, consulting and brainstorming sessions in person while we’re in town!
- Exclusive workshops, seminars and mastermind sessions here with us on the Emerald Coast of Florida!
- Guided Meditations recorded by Stephen over soft music to keep you centered and on purpose.
- Master Mind intensive weekend retreats filled with instruction, interaction, meditation, reflection and creativity.
- We also feel the Inner Circle group will evolve several of its own very powerful Master Mind Groups. Powerful because each member will have gone through Thinking Into Results with you, the most powerful personal development program on the planet!
- Marketing Consultation / advice by self-proclaimed marketing geek and expert Stephen J. Kosmyna on any ideas that may arise through this program.
- A monthly GIFT! This may be a book specific to your dream and goal or a book related to personal development. It may just be a fun personal gift, or it could be a basket of fruit or other tasty treats. It may even be one of Tené’s creations called Fruits of Life! This is delicious fruit with affirmative statements printed right on them reminding you that you are what you eat AND think!
- More and more being added to this list over the next few weeks!
- And as always, as ordained New Thought ministers we’re both here to support you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
We sure you can understand that with all these value added services we’re giving away to kick start our program, we have to limit this to our August clients. Don’t miss out, make the commitment to YOURSELF to join us now!
More Questions? Call us on our direct line: 248.939.1472 or email us for a prompt reply at
Many ways to pay…
- This is offered in its entirety from Success Ocean International , LLC
- Digital Kits will be delivered electronically within 24 hours of payment confirmation.
- Physical kits will be shipped in 1-3 business days from date of order. Expect Delivery of Physical Kits 5-7 days from date of shipment 14-21 days for orders outside of the USA
- Do to the nature and format of the copyrighted material there are no refunds and no returns
Additional information
6995.00 | 36 Months 0% Interest Financing with Klarna |
6495.00 | 1,500 down through Pay Pal / finance balance of 4,995.00 with Klarna |
6250.00 | Pay in Full Now – Cash / Check / Pay Pal / Bank Wire |
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