Divine Charisma

Every day I Am rising higher to a new vantage point on the wings of Divine Care and Divine Guidance. My transformation is the yield. I Am on fire for the Love that lives me and breathes me. Inspired by the Inner Presence, this passion I feel is seasoning me with a unique flavor I Am calling Divine Charisma and I Am attractive in Its Light.
This day my words are my prayers of thanksgiving and appreciation for all the good that moves into my experience as miracles; appearing in my life daily, even moment by moment they are here now.
I Am immersed in a Divine Adventure that calls to my very soul, raises my frequency to a heightened state of attraction moving all my wishes, desires and intentions into the field where I Am. Wrapped in the bliss of Divine Light I Am awake to more and to the Grace that is ceaselessly flowing.
The Spirit of Life is filling me, saturating me with Divine Goodness. My life is prospered beyond measure in every area. My heart is open like never before. I now have more to give than I have ever have had before. I freely share this love and this light, this comfort and joy.
I Am filled with profound thanksgiving as I stand in the Light knowing every need is met, every desire fulfilled, every wish granted, every prayer answered, every intention made easy. Providence moves to support every thought fueled with passion, feeling, emotion and zeal.
Thank You for this love I have that cannot be described, for this joy I feel so intensely and this sense of an intoxicating bliss that perpetually washes over me, now and forevermore, raising me to unfathomable heights. Accepting my Divine Beingness, I claim that I Am that which thou art; Thou art which I Am. I Am that, I Am.
Affirm: I Am the Divine pressing out into visibility worthy of all the Good that flows into my life. I stand receiving Divine Grace in every moment of every day.