The Crown of Mysteries – Neville

“THE ASSUMPTION OF THE WISH fulfilled is the ship that carries you over the unknown seas to the fulfillment of your dream. The assumption is everything; realization is subconscious and effortless.” – Neville Goddard

In this Christmas Day episode we look to the Immaculate Conception and how it relates to the birth of an idea within our own consciousness. This is a short chapter from Neville Goddard’s classic work, The Power of Awareness, that we explore today, but don’t be fooled, this is one of the most powerful episodes you’ll experience when it comes to getting you excited about all you wish to be, do and have in your life.

This episode holds another key to all you wish to move into your field of experience. It’s time to take that wish and that big dream off the shelf of ‘someday’ and begin at once to assume it real here and now.

Your dream, your wish, your desire is YOURS and you must express it, live it and move into it. No one else can do that like YOU can do that!

Merry Christmas!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success ocean International

The Effortless Way – Neville

“Because creation is finished, what you desire already exists. It is excluded from view because you can only see the contents of your own consciousness. It is the function of an assumption to call back the excluded view and restore full vision.” – Neville

Stop and think about that quote from this chapter I just shared. The life you would love to live, the life you have created and already hold in your imagination, ALREADY EXISTS! Rather than maintaining the state of consciousness that lives and feels from the desire being real now, most focus their attention on current circumstances and conditions that they don’t want. Many keep “taking score,” meaning they are always questioning why their results aren’t different because they have spent a good amount of time thinking “of” their dream.

The effortless way does not mean we sit around doing nothing and take no action. The effortless way is about shifting our state of consciousness by removing our attention from what we don’t want and that which we see in the objective world, and placing our full attention on the feeling of the desire fulfilled, assuming the life we would love to live having already created it in our imagination.

Listen in to today’s episode for details and begin right now to change your life. It’s time to experience radical personal transformation and some quantum leaps in your own experience!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Acceptance – Neville

“However much you seem to be living in a material world, you are actually living in a world of imagination. The outer, physical events of life are the fruit of forgotten blossom times – results of previous and usually forgotten states of consciousness. They are the ends running true to often times forgotten imaginative origins.” – Neville Goddard

Today we take another deep dive into yet another powerful chapter in Neville Goddard’s classic work, “The Power of Awareness.” Listen to this one over and over again until you really understand the teaching contained here. This chapter can stand alone giving you all the instructions you need to make a quantum leap in your results and what you are experiencing in your life.

When you grasp this you will see that you’re imagination is the creative center for all you experience. The key is moving to the realization that you are participating in the this process either unconsciously and experiencing undesirable results in your life or consciously, with deliberate intent to create the life you would love to live.

As we hold our desires pictured vividly in our imagination, visualizing them and getting emotionally involved with them; feeling them real thus making the dream manifest, we must know the inverse is true for things we don’t want. This means worry, doubt, fear and thoughts of lack and limitation, when pictured and emotionalized in our imagination, produce life experiences and results we don’t want in the objective world in the same way.

It’s time to take control and begin exercising your creative power. Listen in right here, right now and begin at once, the process of moving yourself from where you are now to where you really want to be!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Subjective Control – Neville

“The day you achieve control of the movements of your attention in the subjective world, you are master of your fate.” – Neville Goddard

If it is a quantum leap in your experience that you are seeking, a leap that will move you rapidly from where you are now to where you want to be in your life experience, then drop what you’re doing and listen to this episode now.

In this chapter from The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard we find one of those those instructional pieces that is simple to understand yet not necessarily easy to do!

However when we can master what Neville teaches us today with consistent practice. With attention properly directed we can move our subjective, imaginative state, our dreams and desires, from the world of non-form into the world of form.

Removing your attention from what is going on outside of you and maintaining control over where your attention goes within your consciousness, is your key to your very own quantum leap.

Listen in and explore another very powerful chapter to help move you into the life you would love to live!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Interference – Neville

“You possess the power of intervention, the power which enables you to alter the course of your future.” – Neville Goddard

Don’t like your results or what has been showing up in your life? Intervene! You have the power to redeem yourself and become the savior you seek.

When we turn our attention from what is outside of us we begin to reclaim control. When we do this consciously with purpose and intention, we can then approach the canvas found in our imagination knowing we are the architect and the artist. From this position we can hold the palette of infinite potential and with reverence for all the power we have, we can deliberately intervene in the experiences and circumstances of our lives and alter them.

Today we learn we are the creator AND the created and that it is time we design our life deliberately making manifest the life we would love to live.

Listen in for another infinitely spectacular chapter from Neville’s classic work, The Power of Awareness.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International