Creation – Neville

“The whole of creation exists in you, and it is your destiny to become increasingly aware of its infinite wonders and to experience ever greater and grander portions of it.” – Neville Goddard

As we continue to explore The Power of Awareness by Neville, we learn in this chapter that creation is finished. Everything already exists and only awaits your manifestation of it. Now think about your dreams, your wishes and desires; the life you would love to live. That life already exists. From our human perspective, we may experience life in a linear time sequence of events, but everything already IS – existing in the field of infinite potential within the eternal now.

Today Neville gives us a test to prove this in our experience and as always it begins by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled…

Listen in to today’s episode to learn what to do next!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Preparing You Place – Neville

We continue into Chapter Nine today, ‘Preparing Your Place’ from Neville Goddard’s classic work, ‘The Power of Awareness.’

“Be still and know that you ARE that which you desire to be, and you will never have to search for it.” – Neville

Despite what we think we may be doing as we move freely about our physical world throughout our day, we are all actually obeying the law of assumption. All of our experiences come about because of our assumptions and this is happening whether we are consciously or unconsciously participating.

What is ours to do is to deliberately assume the conscious state, psychologically, of the wish fulfilled. Maintaining this state, we will see people, conditions, circumstances and unforeseen events move into our experience that will support our psychological state of our wish fulfilled.

We’re doing it anyway. Isn’t it about time we do it on purpose and start living the life we would love to live?

Listen in to today’s episode for a deeper dive into all this!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Renunciation – Neville

“…prune your imagination by withdrawing your attention from all unlovely and destructive ideas and concentrating on the ideal you wish to attain.” – Neville

Renunciation is about releasing, eliminating and abandoning those useless thoughts that are supportive of what we don’t want. We must be ever vigilant of our thought process and abandon our habit of engaging negative thoughts, allowing them to root and grow thus becoming feed for an out of control imagination.

Develop the habit of thought that builds in your imagination the exact picture of how you want your life to be. Then, proceed at once to live FROM that state of consciousness allowing nothing else to enter your mind and stay that contradicts the desired state.

It’s probably a good time to do some mental housecleaning; releasing and eliminating all that does not serve all you wish to be, do and have.

Listen in today for Neville’s wisdom around renunciation.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Attitude – Neville

It has been proven…

“…that what you see when you look at something depends not so much on what is there as on the assumption you make when you look. What appears to be solid reality is actually the result of ‘expectations’ or ‘assumptions’.” – Neville

It is our attitude that reinforces our expectations and assumptions and it is our inner dialogue that supports our attitude; whether it’s considered a good one or a bad one. When we change our inner dialogue about a person, place, thing, circumstance, condition, event or undesirable experience, we change our attitude and we’re therefore able to assume, then experience a favorable outcome.

Understanding this moves us back into the realization that we alone control our own destiny. We alone have dominion over our own thoughts, feelings and actions, the components of our attitude.

When our attitude is in alignment with the assumptive outcome we expect, it must come to pass in our experience. Actually, we do this and live this all the time whether we realize it or not!

Listen in to today’s episode as Neville takes us deeper.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Attention – Neville

In today’s episode I continue our exploration of Neville Goddard’s classic work, The Power of Awareness. Today we focus on Chapter Six; Attention.

“The great secret of success is to focus attention on the feeling of the wish fulfilled without permitting any distraction.” – Neville

This lesson is so important to all of us who are working on making manifest the desires of our heart. We have to develop the ‘attention muscle’ so as not to allow anything to distract us from the feeling of our wish fulfilled. This is so important in this day and age when so many shiny objects are trying desperately to grab and hold our attention.

We must notice the moment we start to drift. Then, using our attention muscle, we must guide ourselves back to the feelings of our dream coming alive, being real here and now as a present tense reality.

This is about our power to engage our mental and spiritual faculty of WILL. This is a key element in the acceleration of the creative process within us. Seeing all that we wish to be, do and have being made manifest quickly depends on the intensity and the concentration of our attention, focus and will.

I hope you enjoy today’s episode!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International