Vibration vs. Frequency – Managing Interference
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
Vibration, frequency and energy are words that we toss around a lot in spiritual, metaphysical and attraction circles and also when it comes to manifesting our dreams. We have often heard the words of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer who said:
“Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.”
So what do we do when we encounter interference? Say we’re maintaining our vibrational energy that is in alignment with our aspirations but we cross paths with someone else that is broadcasting at a much lower frequency? It’s kind of like taking a long road trip and we might get locked into one of our favorite songs on the radio but we are moving out of the broadcasts tower’s range and into that of what’s up ahead. We can take personal responsibility and continue on with “our song” or we can let the interference disturb us. It’s always our choice.
Listen in to today’s episode as I dive deeper into vibration and frequency.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International
Be Still and Grow
So many of us our in a ceaseless state of motion. Our life is filled with ‘doing’ and we spend very little time ‘being’ . Our days are filled with going, going, going, doing, striving, achieving, getting, grasping, working, rushing and more and more and so it goes, day in and day out. We think if we do more we’ll get more. We think we’ll accomplish more through non-stop activity.
In today’s episode you’ll learn a very valuable approach to life and living that will actually move you along your path more quickly. You’ll realize your objective in a much more efficient way and you’ll feel better doing it.
You’ll have to listen to get the rest of the story and hear about this secret ingredient we find within all great achievements. Here’s a hint though; we find it in every piece of music that’s ever been written!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International
Mood: Cause or Effect?
“This is an age in which the mood decides the fortunes of people rather than the fortune decide the mood.” – Winston Churchill
“People regard their moods far too much as effects and not sufficiently as causes. Moods are imaginal activities without which no creation is possible. We say that we are happy because we have achieved our goal; we do not realize that the process works equally well in the reverse direction – that we shall achieve our goal because we have assumed the happy feeling of the wish fulfilled.” – Neville Goddard
Most of us don’t realize that moods work both ways. In today’s episode you’ll find an invitation to again become the observer and see how we often give away our power to what’s going on on the outside. This robs us of the mood we would really prefer to be in, the one which is positive and creative. Rather than allowing our moods to be directed by the ebb and flow of life and outer conditions, circumstances and events; we’ll learn today how to consciously and intentionally choose our mood for the day thereby moving the mood to the “cause” side of the equation.
Listen in for a deep dive into another tool to help you create the life you would love to live!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International
Purging Personal and Professional Paradigms
Most of us don’t realize that at least 95% of our behavior, our action and reaction, and feeling is habitual. Paradigms are a multitude of habits that have almost exclusive control over just about everything we do. You could say these paradigms are our programming.
If we would slow down and look at our day, we would certainly be able to identify action and activity that is non-supportive of the results we would really love to experience in our lives. It might be a real good idea to actually do this if you don’t like what has been showing up on a regular basis. Your habits are bringing you what you are receiving as conditions, circumstances and results in your business and personal life.
Change the habits, change the results. Today I talk about purging the undesirable paradigms. I also share a way to install some new, more efficient programming that’s in alignment with our personal and professional goals.
Give a listen then reach out and schedule a free consultation.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean
Mindfulness for Business Owners, Leaders and Sales Executives
Every single law and practice I discuss when it comes to personal development, absolutely and categorically applies to professional and business growth and development as well. In fact our results are magnified because the heart centered professional makes an impact on, and influences, all those he or she serves. Day in and day out we have the opportunity to touch so many lives in a positive and profound way.
We all want our businesses to thrive, grow and flourish. We all want to provide an extraordinary experience for our clients and customers. Yet in the busyness of our demanding day we often neglect where we are in consciousness. We forget that the law of cause and effect applies to everything in our universe including everything in our own field of experience. We move about our day unconsciously. We often operate with a very small piece of our attention in the present moment while the rest of our thought energy has moved ahead to ‘what’s next’ in a future that isn’t here yet.
Learning to be fully present in this NOW moment will relieve us of stress and anxiety, provide us clarity of mind, and empower us to live fresh in consciousness with our full attention on the task at hand in any given moment.
Take the time to listen in to today’s episode. Even five minutes a day, intentionally devoted to a mindfulness practice, will begin at once to make a difference in your life and your business, inside and out, including the bottom line!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International