What Are You Doing? What Do You Want?
“Nearly everyone has a habit of looking back and saying, ‘If I had that period in my life to live over again, if I could go back and take advantage of the chance at fortune I had then, I’d be rich and successful today.” – Robert Collier
Yet a year from now, or three or five or ten from now; most reading this will be saying the same thing, stuck in the same place, experiencing the same results.
It’s time to get off the hamster wheel and realize the only time you have is RIGHT NOW!
Listen to today’s episode to help get you moving NOW, in the desired direction!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
Better Your Condition Now!
There is an eternal question new students of personal development must ask every morning until they find the answer and understand it. The question is, “How can I better my condition?” The beginning of the answer is in this next statement; control your thoughts and you mold your circumstance.
Understanding that is key to living the life you would love to live. There is more you can and should do and that which you must avoid to experience a ‘better condition’ sooner than later.
Listen to today’s episode to find more of those answers, and discover some other do’s and don’t’s, when it comes to thinking into the results you WANT to experience!
Dr. Kos (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
Inspiration – Imagination – Impression
Within you, what are you listening to right now and during the course of your day? Do you realize that you can actually choose whether you tune into the endless ‘monkey chatter’ that is usually negative and limiting? It’s OK to just say “No thank you!” And, choose instead to tune into the voice of inspiration or your inner spirit that is always seeking to speak to you, guide you, uplift you and point your way.
Simply start your day saying “Spirit speak to me in ways I cannot not possibly ignore!” Then pay attention to what comes your way throughout the day. Notice what you’re noticing!
Craft ‘I Am…’ statements based on what you want to experience in your life and have these affirmations playing on a loop in your conscious mind throughout the day.
This simple practice, all by itself, has the power to transform your life. Listen to today’s episode for more details.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Creative Force Within
Whether you realize it or not we are all immersed in, saturated with and an element within, thus a part of, ONE of – this thing called Energy or Spirit. Energy IS. Spirit IS. One Presence. One Power. And we are one of It. This Energy or Spirit is always seeking expression through you to experience more LIFE. IT is a thinking substance, consciousness, unconditional love and wisdom pressing out through you.
Within you it is DESIRE. The things you want to be, do and have. You get to choose if it lies dormant or if you set it on fire with your passion for life and living. Activate it with the power of your imagination and will and you engage the Creative Force within you. This Creative Force is Power. It gathers all the energy necessary to make your desire, your dreams come true!
Now more than ever, it’s time to engage! Please listen in today. This is episode 100 of The Genesis Frequency and I take a deeper dive into all of this!
Thanks for listening!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
YOU Are the Center of It All
Where are you locating your center? During this time that is challenging for so many people, it’s very important for each and everyone of us to stand back from our lives at take a look at them as an outside observer. Being objective, the first question we must ask ourselves is ‘Where am I locating my center?’
Am I centered in something outside of myself like the daily news, the current events, the conditions in my community, my country and the world; my worries and fears? Are we giving power to something other than what we are?
There can be only one center in your life and that is you!
Today I examine some of the words of Thomas Troward. Specifically when he says, “We can never get away from ourselves as the center of our own universe, and the sooner we clearly understand this the better. There is really no energy in our universe but what emanates from ourselves in the first instance, and the power which appears to reside in our surroundings is derived entirely from our own mind.”
Please listen in to today’s episode as I explore and explain the profound impact that an understanding of this truth can have in your life, especially when it comes to that which you wish to be, do and have!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.