Guided Meditation for Peace of Mind and Tranquility
Now more than ever it is time to take care of you. There is a peace in your soul that surpasses all understanding. We may not understand it yet it is there. It is your center. It is whole, it is perfect and it is complete. We often cloak this inner garden of serenity with thoughts of worry, doubt and fear.
Today I invite you to join me in this guided meditation where we’ll peel back the layers, lift the veil and go within, allowing this tranquility to radiate from the inside out and wash over every cell and fiber of our being. It’s time to take control of your thoughts and move from fear to love, from turmoil to tranquility and from uncertainty to guidance and inspiration. Enjoy!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Rev. Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
Guard Your Thoughts – You Are Always Attracting
At Ease or Dis – Ease? It’s Your Choice.
As I recorded this episode, there is a lot of craziness going on in the world out there. The big question however, is are you making a conscious choice to participate in it? Guess what? You get to choose YOUR OWN thoughts. You get to decide what actions you will take that serve you best.
In today’s episode I remind my listeners of a few Truths. First of all last time I checked there was only One Presence and One Power. And yes, you get to call IT whatever you want. The keyword here is One. Not Source and something else. What are you giving your power and energy too? What is driving you? Fear or Faith?
The bottom line is Law is Law. Natural, Spiritual and Universal Law is fact and not a theory or opinion. The key here is whatever you think about you bring about. Whatever thought you hold dominant, and bind with feeling and emotion, YOU WILL ATTRACT to you. Law.
So listen in to today’s episode and make the choice to change the channel. Turn the dial in your mind to thoughts of what you do want to experience. Take your thoughts off of what you don’t want to experience. Worry, doubt and fear are feelings and emotions that will pass through you, let them, then focus on only your Good. You are already perfect, whole, healthy and complete!
Join our private Facebook group if you are serious about your own personal development and finally ready to live life fully, the life you would love to live! Find that group by CLICKING HERE.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Quantum Energy You Are is Priceless
Whether we look to science, theology, spiritual truths or the wisest sages of the ages, we are told the same thing. Our thoughts create what we see and experience in our perception of this physical world of form we appear to be living in.
No matter what is showing up for you, no matter what results you have been experiencing in your life, no matter your conditions, circumstances or situation; you alone hold the power to radically transform your life. This is a fact not an opinion.
Yet I hear it all the time. I don’t have the time or the money to spend on personal development and improving my life. Often the unconscious people will see time spent and money exchanged as a fee or a cost. They live in lack consciousness that says if I give this away I will have less. They refuse to see the investment that they would be making in themselves. They will spend money on all kinds of things anyway except the ONE THING that will give them everything they want!
Look in the mirror and be honest with yourself to see if this is you. If it is, tell yourself the truth. That you are worth it! You are worth every penny and every second you invest in you. Then do it. Get a coach or mentor, enroll in the course, participate in the workshop and dedicate your life to improving you.
Yes, you can be, do and have it all and it ALL starts with what you are thinking!
Listen to today’s episode. It’s time to wake up.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
Imagination and Enthusiasm
Using you imagination, do you take the time to go ‘just back of’ your BIG DREAM? When we revisit our dreams and fantasies that we perhaps put up on the shelf a long time ago, it’s important to discern if we really want what we think we really want. Huh?
Often our BIG DREAM might represent something deeper that we want to experience for complete soul satisfaction. As you build out the details of your dream, be sure to become the observer. Using your imagination and being this inner architect, ask a few questions. Why do I want this? What do I want to feel? What will this fulfill in me?
When your sure you want what you want for all the right reasons it’s time to call in enthusiasm! Once we do that we’re on our way to living the life we would love to live. Be sure to listen to today’s episode as I go into much more detail.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
Conscious Awareness
Conscious awareness is taking mindfulness to another level. Merriam – Webster defines mindfulness as the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis. When I speak of conscious awareness I’m talking about that same heightened awareness AND the relationship of those thoughts and emotions to the results we’re experiencing on a moment-to-moment basis.
When we level up and become aware of the creative process that we’re participating in, either consciously or unconsciously. we can rapidly change our results by exercising the dominion we all have over our thoughts. This is how we make quantum leaps in our life experience. Listen in today as I take this a little deeper with more clarity.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna. Ph.D.