Have You Moved Into Your Dream Life Yet?

So have you moved? I started to ask you at the beginning of this year “What do you want?” Many of you reached out and had a conversation with me and are now moving into your dream life. Others simply went on their way settling; accepting the status quo.

Why would you want do do that when you can be, do and have it all?

Napoleon Hill said “No more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty.”

So where are you now compared to the beginning of this year? Results never lie. Either you moved or your stuck. Perhaps it’s time to reach out and get unstuck. Perhaps it’s time to get moving in the direction of your biggest dream!

Listen in today as we do our annual check up examining the success and prosperity we are, or are not, experiencing in our lives.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

Don’t Limit Yourself – Anything is Possible!

So many people get to the end of the year and start thinking about their hopes and dreams for the new year. At first, they might dream some big dreams utilizing their imagination. Then they allow themselves to crash because they look at their current situation and circumstances and believe they are limited. They start saying “I can’t because”…and the list of excuses builds and builds.

Today’s episode will encourage you to look away from your current conditions. This episode will remind you that you don’t need to know how to accomplish and achieve the life you would love to live either.

Right now is a great time of year to start considering your big dream goals. What’s next for you? Don’t allow yourself to start this new year and next decade on a foundation of excuses. Ask yourself, “Do I really want to be exactly where I am now, a year from now?” Most people will be. Decide now that it won’t be you!

As always I Am available to help you with this and to get you moving in the direction of your Big Dream. Discovery calls are free and I will be able to tell you in the first few minutes exactly what’s keeping you stuck. Message me and I will send you my call calendar so you can pick a time that works for both of us.

Wishing you Abundant Blessings!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

Your Transformational Success and Prosperity Coach

Stop Making Decisions Based on Your Current Results

I speak with many people day in and day out who come to me wanting to know why they are stuck. They want something more, something different yet every decision and choice they make is based on their current situation and their circumstances in the moment.

So often I will speak with someone that I spoke with years ago and the story is the same. They’re still getting the same results they were getting many years ago. They’re trapped. Most people are.

They say YES! I want that but, but, but…; and the excuses start to fly! One after another. It’s time to wake up and move into the realization that you have to change the frequency. You will not move into the life you would love to live staying focused and centered in the energy of your current condition and what you don’t want.

A new year, a new decade will be upon soon. What is the NEW story you want to be telling everyone a year from now?

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Stoppers of Ignorance and Criticism

Along our positive path of personal development we often outgrow the relationships and opinions of others that we perhaps at one time valued. When we are immersed in this body of knowledge and apply it in our life, our results change. They must. And just like we have that internal battle at first, our ego calling us to get back in our comfort zone, once conquered we often begin to experience that battle in the outer world.

Friends and relatives will definitely notice our improvement then often will move to criticism of whatever it is we are involved in. Often this is rooted in jealousy and their own insecurity. They want you to remain where they are, in their comfort zone.

I’m sure we have all heard the phrase ‘misery loves company.’ Well that’s what’s happening here! You’re being ridiculed for moving toward your dream life. The key word here is YOUR dream life not that of the other toxic person who is trying to bring you down.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer said, “The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.”

Don’t let anyone else try to stop you from living the life you would love to live; your dream and your destiny. Smile and walk away. Allow your success and prosperity to be your rebuttal. Let them remain ignorant if they choose to, you know better. At least you will once you listen to today’s episode!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Anchor of Unforgivingness

Nothing can chain us to a lower, unwanted frequency more than harboring unforgivingness. Practicing forgiveness, no matter how difficult, is a gateway to freedom. It’s freedom from living in a constant state of a lower vibration. Tethered to that lower frequency by our unwillingness to forgive will  always prevent us from living the life we would love to live.

There are many ways we can do this. We must do this. Listen today to find out how and why. It’s also important to remember that forgiveness is something we do for us, for our own self-care too

In today’s episode I also talk about the one person we most often overlook when it comes to forgiveness. When we do an inventory of those we must forgive so we can unlock that door to our freedom, don’t forget this ONE person I mention in this episode!

Dr. Kos (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The post The Anchor of Unforgivingness appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.