Cause and Effect or Feelings and Emotions
In the Master Key System, Charles Haanel states, “The ordinary man, who has no definite knowledge of cause and effect, is governed by his feelings and emotions.” Sometimes I’m guilty of assuming everyone knows this. Being a mystic and a metaphysician I have to catch myself and realize that I can’t presume this is common knowledge thoroughly understood by all.
In today’s episode I break down this quote so there is more clarity around being intentionally at cause in our lives. Having feelings and emotions are a natural part of being human. Understanding cause and effect we learn that feelings and emotions solely based on and originating from existing circumstances and conditions only brings us more of the same.
To change our results, we have to apprehend those ideas that excite us. Then we have to allow our feelings and emotions to be rooted in the positive expectancy of those ideas turning into our reality.
Listen to this episode as I dive deeper into deliberately being at cause in our lives to make manifest the life we would love to live (effect).
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Cause and Effect or Feelings and Emotions appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Commit and Everything Changes
Chances are, if you’re like most people, you’re probably pretty much in the same place you were five years ago. Maybe you got a raise or two here and there and perhaps a bonus thrown in a couple of times. Maybe you moved to a different place, but for the most part, conditions haven’t changed much.
Conditioned by our environment and programmed by everything we take in through the fives senses, we’ve gotten pretty good at rejecting our dreams, stamping them not possible.
Perhaps you’re one of the few who is waking up inside and re-visiting those long forgotten dreams. Maybe you’re even thinking your dream could be possible, especially after listening to more and more episodes of The Genesis Frequency!
Well nothing happens until you make a commitment to move, to go for it, to just do it! Commit and then Providence moves too to support you. Things will begin to happen in the blink of an eye once you make a commitment.
In today’s episode I go deeper into this very real and extraordinary phenomenon. Harness it and everything changes!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Commit and Everything Changes appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
How to Get ‘In the Spirit’ of Life and Living
In my last episode I asked, “Are you living a lukewarm life?”
My intention was to offer you an invitation to be ‘in the spirit’ of life and living. One of the comments that came in was this, “I loved the show but how do I do it? How do I get myself in the spirit.” In today’s episode I address this. I offer three suggestions that will move you to living life ‘in the spirit’ of things.
Remember, you can be, do and have anything you want in this life. All things are possible when you begin to think in a certain way!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post How to Get ‘In the Spirit’ of Life and Living appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Are You Living a Luke Warm Life?
Are you in the spirit of life and living, of your work or vocation? Are you passionate about everything you do? Do you have an excellent disposition and attitude mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually with everything you’re involved in?
Today’s episode is another invitation to take a look at your life and living. So often the unconscious competent gets very comfortable with their routine. They settle into their situation and circumstances and become accepting of their current conditions. They become so comfortable, that they fail to notice that life is slipping by. Their attitude is “Well this is just how it is now and how it has to be.” Very often, if they would be objective and step back for a few minutes of reflection to look at the whole picture, they would realize how truly undesirable the comfort zone of current conditions truly is.
Isn’t it time to wake up and be in the spirit of life and living? Maybe it’s time for an inner pep rally. Perhaps it’s time for a spirit day in your life! Plan some dedicated time to finding and igniting the fire of passion and desire for something more.
This is YOUR life your living. This is about you. And it’s about time…
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Are You Living a Luke Warm Life? appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
In today’s episode I take a look at the daily “must do” list or what I call non-negotiables. These are daily activities that must be done no matter what. You could call them good habits. These non-negotiables must be done every day even if we don’t feel like it, no excuses. We make the time for them because we know they are a key to our success and whole life prosperity. What are your non-negotiables?
Listen in to today’s episode as I share my list and the reasons why these activities are non-negotiable.
What are your non-negotiables?
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Non-Negotiable appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.