Intangible Goals
It would serve all of us well to consider intangible goals for our life and living. In my opinion this is where we will find the real treasures of our experience. So often when we consider what we really want in our life, we only look to the tangible. We want the house, the car, the money, the trip, the boat and the perfect partner and we neglect our deep inner longings.
When our goal is ONLY to seek things outside of ourselves, we will most likely still feel empty even when we achieve that outer goal. Everyone, whether they realize it or not, wants to feel a deeper connection with all that is; with the Energy of Life or Source.
True satisfaction comes to us when we acknowledge the longing and discontent within us that seeks to know, to understand and deeply experience the Presence of Life we are immersed in.
Be sure to listen to the entire episode today for a better grasp on intangible goals.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Intangible Goals appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Why Not You?
There’s a great television commercial airing right now that asks this question.
The message is, someone somewhere is going to do that thing you really, really, really want to do. So,why not YOU? Whatever it is that you want to be, do or have, it’s going to get done. No matter what that BIG DREAM goal is that you’ve been playing with in your mind, someone is going to be, do or get that thing! So why not you?
In today’s episode I speak about believing. We have to believe in our dreams. A necessary ingredient on this path of accomplishment and achievement is at least a belief in the possibility that our dream can come true.
I invite you to listen to today’s message, to get excited AGAIN about your BIG DREAM goal and believe it’s possible for you.
If you can’t believe right this moment, you can at least borrow my belief in you that you can indeed receive whatever it is you want to be, do and have. So hit that play button and say to yourself right now, “YES! Why not me, why not now?”
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Why Not You? appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Patience and Persistence
Napoleon Hill said: “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”
In today’s episode I take a look at the importance of each of these ingredients. When it comes to whole life success and prosperity we must stay the course. So often we allow the old paradigm to pull us back into a negative state when it seems nothing is happening. We don’t see the results we want coming fast enough so we throw in the towel. We start telling everyone that will listen that these so called laws of mind don’t work.
The fact is, it is most often the individual that won’t work; won’t remain patient, won’t remain persistent and won’t take consistent daily actions. It would serve us well to write this quote down on an index card and keep it nearby for a reminder.
Listen to this episode as I dive deeper into the words in this quote. I explain the impact of not heeding the wisdom found within it.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, PhD.
The post Patience and Persistence appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Quantum Leaps
We can’t make quantum leaps living a lukewarm life deep inside our comfort zone. The fire of desire is fueled with passion. We must move away from thinking small. It’s time to stop settling for a goal that ‘sounds reasonable’ and start considering the dream that perks up our heart.
It’s the feeling we have when we get emotionally involved with our dream that that makes the difference. We fan the flames of desire when we are intensely passionate about what we want. When we put it all together, the feeling, emotion, desire and passion, we’re ready to make a quantum leap!
So what will it be, what are you passionate about?
In today’s episode I talk about this in depth.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Quantum Leaps appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
The Fear Trap
Perhaps I have been asking the wrong question lately. I have been asking listeners and viewers, what do you want? And what is your biggest dream? I’ve heard a lot of wonderful goals, dreams and desires. I’ve spoken with a lot of wonderful people with infinite potential and tremendous ideas. Then there is something that comes up very often in the conversations I become involved in and that is fear.
Often it doesn’t even have to be spoken, I can feel it, I can sense it. This is most likely because I have been there. We all have. We hit that wall that Bob Proctor calls the terror barrier. It keeps us stuck and it keeps us trapped. Fear locks us in the jail of our comfort zone.
Just beyond that barrier called fear is the life we would love to live. All of our dreams are on the other side of fear too.
Perhaps I should be asking, what are you afraid of?
Let’s go there. I do in today’s episode. Please listen, like comment and share!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post The Fear Trap appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.