Make Up Your Mind

It always amazes me when I am speaking at an event and I ask people about their goals. I will ask people, how many by a show of hands, have a big dream goal? Maybe one or two hands will go up in a crowd of thirty or forty! Recently I spoke at a networking event and I received this same response.

So in today’s episode we back up a bit and I discuss the importance of knowing where you intend to go. If we can’t make a decision, we are actually deciding by default. When we do this we often live our lives like a deer in headlights wondering what happened? We look at the results we keep getting day after day and start scratching our head asking why the same things keeps showing up.

Decide where you want to go. Choose your BIG DREAM goal! Then commit, your world and your life will start changing IMMEDIATELY!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.


The post Make Up Your Mind! appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

Attention and Persistence

Today I discuss some qualities of character and attitude that are necessary to adopt for the realization of our dreams. Too many people simply give up too early. We have to ask ourselves some questions as we set out on this quest.

How much attention are we really giving to the attainment of this goal and dream of ours? Is it something we only think about once in awhile then put it up on the shelf labeling it someday?

Is our goal something we are simply interested in or something we are committed to?

Listen in today as I explore the essential elements that must be considered and adopted to make all our dreams come true!

Dr. Koz

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The post Attention and Persistence appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

The Drawing Board of Your Dream

Your BIG DREAM. Created in YOUR image and likeness. You’re the designer and the architect. You’re the creator. what will you design?

Your dream coming true starts with the image you build in your mind. Give it detail. See it clearly. Incorporate your senses so you can feel all of it.

And listen to today’s episode for more details!

Dr. Koz (and effect 🙂

The post The Drawing Board appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

Genesis – Your Beginning

I don’t think we stop very often, if at all, and think about how we all started. I’m talking before your physical form was here because you were an idea first!

Everything we see in the world of form was created twice. First in mind as a thought then externalized as physical form. You included!

I invite you to listen in today and join me in thinking about how spectacular your are! When we walk, talk, think and act from the energy of knowing how extraordinary we are, everything changes.

This is the beginning or I should say genesis,  of shifting our vibration and aligning with our infinite potential.

Thank you for listening, commenting and sharing!

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.


The post Genesis – Your Beginning appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

Find and Replace – Epilogue

In this episode we wrap up a week long look at replacing negative habits. So we have been exploring how we can all develop replacement habits and build them on a solid foundation. That solid foundation is success and prosperity principles.

I invite you to listen in and listen again to the previous episodes these past few days. Because if you do, this practice will have a profound effect on the same old results you’ve been experiencing in your life. If you want to move the needle in your life, if you want to get closer to your dream; do this now.

And make listening to The Genesis Frequency one of those positive new habits!

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The post Find and Replace – Epilogue appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.