Find and Replace IV
We’ve been examining our habits over the last several episodes. Evaluating and discerning what habits need to go because they’re not supportive of our BIG DREAM goal. I suggest that once we identify habits we want to release, we need to find replacements.
Over the last few episodes we have been looking at success principles. The idea here is to use these principles as a foundation for new good habits. A good foundation is solid and won’t crumble.
Be sure to listen today and tomorrow as we finish this list of principles. Establishing productive new habits based on success and prosperity principles will keep us moving in the direction of our goals.
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Find and Replace IV appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Find and Replace III
I didn’t intend for this to turn into a series on negative habit replacement but new thoughts on the subject keep dropping in.
Today we continue eliminating habits that do not serve us. Previously, I shared that we have to find a replacement for the habit that has got to go.
As we consider forming new habits to replace the old habits, I suggest that the new positive habit, or activity, is aligned with solid success and prosperity principles. We started down a list of principles in the last two episodes that would work well with this activity.
Today we continue down that list.
I invite you to listen to these episodes over and over again a few times. Find the success and prosperity principles that really resonate with where you are now. Then, form habits or activities around the principle you want to embody.
Maybe listening to The Genesis Frequency, could become one of those new habits that will serve you well!
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Find and Replace III appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Find and Replace II
Today we continue eliminating habits that do not serve us. Previously, I shared that we have to find a replacement for the habit that has got to go.
As we consider forming new habits to replace the old habits, I suggest that the new positive habit, or activity, is aligned with solid success and prosperity principles. We started down a list of principles in the last episode that would work well with this activity. Today we continue down the list.
I invite you to listen to these episodes over again a few times. Find the success and prosperity principles that really resonate with where you are now. Then, form habits or activities around the principle you want to embody.
Maybe listening to The Genesis Frequency, could become one of those new habits that will serve you well!
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Find and Replace II appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Find and Replace
Today I share what must be done after identifying negative habits. Previously I encouraged you to become the observer of your life and examine your habits that do not serve your greater good.
In order to rid our self of the negative habits we must replace them with desirable, positive habits. When we are forming new habits, it’s important to align them with what we do want to experience in our lives.
That’s what today’s episode is all about. You’ll learn how to form new habits that are aligned with the principles for attracting and creating prosperity in your life.
Thanks for listening.
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Find and Replace appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
When we set out on a course to achieve our BIG DREAM goals, we have to do some housekeeping. One way we do this housekeeping is to examine our habits.
I invite you to spend some time taking an inventory of all your habits. Just like you made a list of all the things you want to experience in your life, make a list of your habits too. Take some time to really put some thought into this exercise.
What we are doing here is identifying all the negative habits and activities that we engage in on a regular basis.
Be sure to listen to today’s episode. I will dive deeper into the reasons this is so important and what else you should be looking for.
We are paving the way along our path and we are moving toward our dream!
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Habits appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.