Rhythm and Desire

Today I talk about how we can drum our dream real! What this is really about is adding rhythm to our affirmations. When we do this we are adding feeling. We our also participating with the law of repetition.

When we affirm our dreams and desires as a present moment reality we impress the subconscious mind. When we add rhythm we accelerate the process. By stating our affirmation as we tap out a simple rhythm we are conditioning our mind to have our big dream goal front and center as a dominant thought.

Listen with an open mind as I share more about this simple technique to drum your dream real!

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The post Rhythm and Desire appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

Get Excited About Today!

What’s all the excitement about?

Everyday should be a day filled excitement. Each new day should be greeted with enthusiasm. This is because every brand new day holds the possibility of sprouts emerging. When we cooperate with the law of increase, seeds that were planted yesterday begin to sprout on daily basis.

Our good begins to unfold emerging into form, all because of the way we sprinkled seeds of goodness during days gone by.

When I see this working in my life as it must, I get excited.  It adds feelings of enthusiasm to my affirmations, strengthening them.

As I affirm “My endless good comes to me in endless ways each and every day!”,  I am not only stating an affirmation, I am feeling it. Also, I am believing it because I know I have planted the seeds of good!

I invite you to listen to today’s episode where I discuss this enthusiasm for every brand new day in more detail.

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The post Get Excited About Today appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

Laws of Manifestation

Intentionally moving what we want into our field of experience takes an understanding of more than just the law of attraction. There are other laws that precede the law of attraction.

In today’s episode you will learn what some of these other laws are and why they are important.

The Genesis Frequency is about taking matters into your own mind.

Isn’t it about time you start living YOUR big dream?

The post Laws of Manifestation appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.


As we go to work considering our desires and creating our want list, it’s important to spend some time in quiet reflection and meditation. This is because many of us have buried our deepest desires by rejecting them. When they first came up, perhaps we thought they were not possible for us.

When we let the monkey chatter of our mind settle, we can more closely examine our thoughts. We can more clearly see what we are holding as longing and discontent.

In the silence is where we start to give birth again to our BIG DREAMS!

First things first, give today’s episode a listen. This one is a little different today.  I offer a gently guided meditation within this podcast.

I believe you’ll find this episode very relaxing and refreshing!

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The post Tranquility appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

Are You Serious about your Dreams and Goals?

Are we taking this business of goal setting and dream building seriously? Or are we wandering around aimlessly always asking what happened? It’s so easy to get warm and fuzzy and cozy in our comfort zone accepting the conditions we find our self in.

However, I invite you to consider this quote by Napoleon Hill. He says in Think and Grow Rich, “No more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty.”

I don’t know about you but getting nice and comfortable, settling in to watch a movie and relax is one thing. Being trapped by fear in our own comfort zone is another.

Misery and poverty or abundance and prosperity?

The choice is yours!

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The post Are You Serious? appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.