Big Dream Goals
Today I’m defining A, B and C type goals and what the differences are. This show focuses on the C type goals, the BIG DREAM goals that may being lying dormant within you. So many reject these big dream fantasy type goals because they have know idea how they could possible come true from the current resources that exist in their present conditions.
Those desires, those fantasies and dreams are there for a reason. It’s time to stop ignoring them. Make a choice to move in the direction of the life you would love to live!
Give a listen to this episode and begin at once to dust off your imagination and start to build your field of dreams!
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Big Dream Goals appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Taking Responsibility for Your Prosperity and Success
Where does whole life success and prosperity start?
This episode points to the one person that is responsible for everything that shows up in our lives and that is our self.
So often we blame and complain rather than take responsibility for our results. Ultimately all we are in control of is us and it starts with our thoughts. Give a listen and start moving the needle in your life when it comes to what you DO want to experience!
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Taking Responsibility appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
From Thoughts to Results
So often we want to see different results show up in our lives but we keep seeing the same old thing day after day. It’s the groundhog day effect. It’s also the definition of insanity; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
In this episode I describe what is happening here. We’re taking a look at our current circumstances, which we may not like, so we have thoughts about our circumstances and conditions, develop feelings about the situation we’re in and then take actions that are in alignment with those feelings we have, thereby giving us the results that keep showing up day after day.
Give today’s episode a listen and learn how to break this endless cycle of groundhog days by starting with a new thought.
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post From Thoughts to Results appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
The Beginning – Episode One – My Story
Welcome everyone to the roll out of The Genesis Frequency!
This has been a dream of mine for so long, to take this message of personal and business development to the digital airwaves. In this first official podcast entry for The Genesis Frequency show, you’ll hear a little bit about my story.
This episode goes on longer that what I envision for regular episodes so hang in there with me. It is my intention to keep the daily shows between seven and twenty minutes. In this kick off episode I thought it was important to tell you a little bit about my story for credibility and why you should listen to me if you’re interested in radical personal transformation and quantum leap goal achievement in your life or in the life of your business.
We’ll have a lot of fun together as I help get you from where you are now to where you want to be. This is about the realization of whole life success and prosperity and the universal laws that we must cooperate with if we want to see desirable results begin to show up in our lives.
Tired of doing the same thing over and over, or perhaps trying the latest and greatest better way and still getting the same results?
Then stay tuned and fasten your seat belt. You’re in the fast lane now on your way to all your dreams coming true!
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post The Beginning – Episode One – My Story appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
A quick three minute piece to get you charged up for your day ahead by discovering the power within you!
The post Rise! appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.