A quick three minute piece to get you charged up for your day ahead by discovering the power within you!
The post Rise! appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Reflection on the Power of I Am
Another guided mediation to inspire you to confidently move through life’s trials, standing up to those mountains that appear on your path and telling them to dissolve, get out of my way!
Background music:
“Unity” and “Society of Dreams” from the album Liquid MindIV: Unity© by Liquid Mind
Used by permission of Real Music® ~ RealMusic.com
The post Reflection on the Power of I Am appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Reflection Time
A gentle guided meditation to move you in consciousness to that sweet innermost spot of clarity, peace and tranquility.
Background music:
“Unity” and “Society of Dreams” from the album Liquid MindIV: Unity© by Liquid Mind
Used by permission of Real Music® ~ RealMusic.com
The post Reflection Time appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.