The Genesis Frequency

Personal. Professional and Leadership Development brought to you by...

Success Ocean International, LLC

Developing Individuals, Leaders and Organizations to their full potentialotal. 


Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.


Transforming your goals and dreams into REALITY through:

  • Leadership Development / Corporate Training
  • Personal and Professional Goal Achievement
  • Tansformation Specialist / Consulting / Coaching
  • Business Guidance / Advisor / Mentor 
  • Inspirational - Motivational Speaker
  • Effective Communication Courses
  • Sales and Time Management Training 
  • Team Building Drum Circles 
  • Entrepreneurial Executive Level Opportunity Available


Latest Podcast Episodes

Failure – Neville

February 19, 2021

Persistence – Neville

February 10, 2021

Free Will – Neville

February 4, 2021

"Dr. Stephen is a delightful and enlightened soul who is centered in Love, and has opened himself up to allow God to work and express through him in all that he does. His passion is to uplift humanity through his ministry, daily inspirational wisdom, personal abundance classes and success courses and consulting; and to raise humanity to a higher level of vibration and enlightenment. He is led by Spirit, and his symphonic and seamless flow with the Divine is visibly apparent. He is absolute Love in action!"

Detroit, MI

Most Recent Blog Posts

The Power to Choose

October 16, 2019

You Are the Creator

July 30, 2019

Design Your Life

July 27, 2019

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About Me and My Podcast

Something just happens when I hit that record button! Call it Divine Inspiration, Spirit Moving through me, the Mystic Rising or simply Divine Life pressing out into visibility or I should say audibility through me!

I deliver wisdom, inspiration and guidance along with success and prosperity principles that show us how to cooperate with attraction laws. These laws state we can ALL live the life we would love to live and experience our dreams coming true by renewing our minds and changing the way we think.

Give a listen and let's explore our infinite potential and the unlimited possibilities we all have to create an amazing life!