What We’re Made Of…

Just a thought to carry into the week and the words of my heart in this moment…
It’s really time to move into that place of realization that there are no limits for your life. Every moment of every day now I experience seeming miracles. I began so afraid as I moved into the field of uncertainty years ago, standing there feeling naked and vulnerable.
Stripped of everything I thought was real. I was actually left with my essence which is all we have any way. You see everything has to die and fade away that is not real.
In my nakedness all I had was Love, the Divine Sacred Love that seemed bigger than me yet a Love that I stood naked knowing I was made of; with no separation.
Having nothing, this was the only place I could live from. I had no choice, well that’s not accurate we all have a choice, in my case it was Love or fear.
Once self-battered and broken down, now no more. I care so deeply, and that is my purpose. Love raised me up rising from deep inside. Now from here I absorb all of you, I can feel you all, I care. I live to lift and inspire, to see transformation in those who seek transformation knowing that since it has been possible for me it is possible to all that breathe.
My wish is that you know how much I care and my purpose is to help you realize your biggest dreams. Nothing is impossible, not even that really, really big dream.
I have felt crushed to a feeling of being far less that even human in the past so chances are I’ve been there.
I care deeply, too deeply sometimes because I absorb all of you, every one of you. My prayer is that you find in you what I have found in myself, I have fought through all the dirt, the tears, the lies, the death, the feeling of brokenness, everything.
And through it all I have found the good. That good is to be the beacon of light in your darkest sky to show you that the light in me is also in you, to take your hand and soar with you ever higher and higher.
In your darkest night really know that the Light in me is also in you. You raise me up and it is my wish to fly together, to soar, to move mountains, to become all that we are capable of becoming and the possibilities are unlimited, the potential we all have is infinite.
Strip everything away to the very essence of love, allow what appeared as the illusion of love to crash and burn leaving the ashes of good. See the Absolute Love rising in you when you think there’s nothing left, it must be this way. Love is all. Love lifts and heals, prospers and creates, nourishes and supports.
Love is all and since it is all, we must be made of this. In this Love we all are, we can all find all we need.
Let Love be you, all of you, allow it. Light up the world with the love you are being. Let’s fly. Blessings.
– Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.