The Golden Key to a Better Life

It’s all about your self-image. However you see yourself and conceive yourself to be, will always rule your behavior and actions and therefore the results, conditions, circumstances and events you experience in your life. This self-image is a foundation and even if you consciously attempt through effort and willpower to act contrary to it, you wouldn’t be able to, the self-image will bring you back to the image of yourself you have embedded as a mental pattern. It’s your internal base camp.

The good news is you can change it! Yes, you can begin at once to change your self- image that has been building since early childhood. Going to work on your self-image is truly the golden key to a better life!

Listen in as I take a deeper dive into our self-image in this episode, you’ll be glad you did!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Unforgivable Sin

One thing I don’t talk about enough is about satisfaction being the death of desire. We should never be satisfied. We should always be hungry. We have to remember that desire is the Infinite tapping at the door of our consciousness calling us to be, do and have all that has been planted in our heart as our purpose.

So often I talk to people who are self-satisfied. They say they’re happy with how things are in their life. Most of the time they’re lying. Worse than that, they’re lying to themselves. They have settled for less, far less than their potential. Even worse, they have abandon their purpose and passion. This develops into the only unforgivable sin.

Don’t let this be you. It’s time to wake up to your ultimate joy and you’ll find that in the pursuit of your biggest dream.

Listen in to today’s episode as I take a deep dive into all of this.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

Infinite Creative Law – Always Delivering

“The Infinite Creative Law is always bringing complete satisfaction into my experience.” – An affirmation from Ernest Holmes.

Today I explore this affirmation by asking you if your experience is one of complete satisfaction in every area of your life. If the Creative Law is alway bringing it, then you should be experiencing it! Yet most people will tell you they’re not. Worse yet, those that say yes, I am satisfied in every area of my life, are probably just settling for everything as is, they’ve given up.

Listen in today as I examine this paradox. If we’re always in the flow of this Energy of Infinite Creative Law ‘bringing it’ why do so many of us not experience whole life satisfaction?

It comes down to conscious awareness and what we are looking at in our experience. Most people spend an inordinate amount of time looking at every single thing they don’t want and that is making their life miserable, They give it attention, energy, feeling and emotion, So much so they never see the good, they never experience the Infinite Creative Law always at work ‘brining it.’

Listen in to today’s episode to get clear on all of this, then get ready, by becoming open to receive your GOOD, that is already there in your field of experience!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

Inner Dialogue Creates Outer Circumstance

All that inner dialogue that goes on ceaselessly throughout your day needs to match what you want to experience. We can take time for reflection, meditation, study and repeating affirmative statements, but if we don’t monitor the inner chatter so that it remains in harmony with our goals and dreams, we will most likely not experience that which we wish to manifest in the outer world of form.

In today’s episode I explore these words written by Neville Goddard found in Awakened Imagination:

“Inner talking reveals the activities of imagination, activities which are the causes of the circumstances of life. As a rule, man is totally unaware of his inner talking and therefore sees himself not as the cause but the victim of circumstance. To consciously create circumstance, man must consciously direct his inner speech, matching “the still small voice” to his fulfilled desires.”

Exciting stuff. Don’t make living your dream difficult. It all starts inside.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

Believe It – Receive It

In this episode I review the basics of the creative process, moving what we want from non-form to form. Our desires held as dominant thoughts while also engaging the power of our imagination, need another ingredient. Today I look at the element of ‘belief’ which is a necessary ingredient in order to make quantum leaps in our experience. So often this is missing and it keeps people stuck.

Today’s episode also looks at what else you have to bring to the table. You have to make a choice. You have to make a commitment, and you have to take action. Without these ingredients, along with belief, the life you would love to live will simply remain an unfulfilled wish.

Listen in to today’s episode so that you don’t make the mistake of leaving out any of these necessary ingredients.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.