A Thanksgiving Meditation
Treat yourself to this episode by kicking back and relaxing. Put in the earbuds or slip on the headphones. It’s time again to enjoy a gently guided meditation focusing on appreciation for all life’s blessings. Enjoy!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post A Thanksgiving Meditation appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
The Power of Thanks Giving
One of the most beautiful habits we must establish in our lives is the practice of giving thanks daily. So many people overlook the power of this simple practice. Make this a regular part of your day and you will see your whole world change right before your eyes. We all have an abundance of goodness in our life whether we realize it or not. You’re breathing. You can read this. And this list goes on and on.
When we form this ‘good habit’ of appreciation for all of life’s blessings, we magnetize our condition. We move our self into position to receive even more. Yet we shouldn’t do it to ‘get’, we should always do it from the energy of giving.
Listen to today’s episode to learn how this all works and how giving thanks has the power to truly transform your life.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post The Power of Thanks Giving appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
5 Step Method to Get What You Want
The title says it all. And it’s no secret. You don’t have to go to a mountain top and meet with a bearded guru to get the key to life either. You see you’re already holding the key. You need to find the lock. The two go together. Lock and key. You need both. Start here. Really and truly this episode contains all you need to get going on the path toward your dream.
It would serve you well to have a mentor and coach too. That’s me. Let’s talk. Send me a message and I’ll send you my schedule. New class starting soon. Isn’t it about time you started living the life you would love to live?
Dr. Kos (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post 5 Step Method to Get What You Want appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Create and Grow or Wither Away
In today’s episode I explore some words from Robert Collier’s classic work ‘Riches Within Your Reach.’ I invite you to listen and do some self examination of where you are and how you are participating with life and living or are you?
Here’s Robert’s words that we’ll look at today. Consider how these words apply to you, no matter where you are on the path of life:
“The whole purpose of existence is growth, and all nature is continually growing. Whenever anything stops growing, it starts to die.”
“…it is only when you conceive and start great projects impossible of attainment by you alone, that you call forth the power of the Seed of Life in you, to draw to you every element you need for complete growth and fruition.”
“You are, in short, what your thoughts and fears and beliefs have made you. Your present condition reflects the successful result of your past thought! Astonishing as it may sound to many people, you are now living in a world of your own making. But you don’t have to keep living there if you don’t like it. You can build a new world in exactly the same way you built that one – only it would be well to build it on a different model.”
Please listen, today episode just may be the wake up call you need to start living the life you would love to live!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Create and Grow or Wither Away appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Inspired Living
Inspired living. What exactly does that mean? Let’s look at the word ‘inspired.’ Inspired comes from the Latin word ‘inspiratus’ which means to breathe into. I like to look to the word ‘inspiration’ and take that apart too. ‘In – Spirit’ or ‘Inner Spirit’ to me, means divine influence coming from within. An inner knowing received from that inner spirit which knows!
It’s there in all of us. It lives us and breathes us and whether you understand it or believe it, does not matter. It just is. Now when you learn to pay attention to it, trust it and follow it’s direction; your whole life will come alive in ways you never thought possible! It’s time to listen. It’s time to go inside and get some directions. It’s time for inspired living which is living in alignment with your soul.
Listen in to today’s episode as I practice this today. I had know idea what I was going to talk about when I hit that record button. I hit that button anyway and allowed this entire episode to be ‘inspired’
Please listen, like, comment and share.
Dr. Koz (and effect)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Inspired Living appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.