The Law of Detachment – Uncertainty
In his book, “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success,” Dr. Deepak Chopra states; “The Law of Detachment says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You don’t give up the intention, and you don’t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result.”
At first, this law might be hard to wrap our head around. So let’s be clear, we’re still going after our big dream goal, but we’re releasing our attachment to it. High participation in productive activity and low attachment to outcome is key. This allows the wisdom of the Universe to apply Itself to our intention. When ego is attached to a certain way and a rigid specific outcome, we leave no room for something better than we can ever possibly imagine to show up, move in and support us on our path to fulfillment.
That’s why you’ll often see me end affirmations or intentions with the words “under grace in perfect ways” or “this or something better.” We must leave room for the Infinite to respond to our vibration and intention. “It”, in it’s Infinite Intelligence knows infinitely more than our ego.
Set the intention to move in the direction of your Big Dream Goal, participate daily in productive activity that moves you forward, then, allow room for the Spirit of Life, Love and Wisdom to do what it does best, and that’s co-creating a better, new and improved version of your life!
Listen to today’s episode as I take this a little deeper, Please like, comment and share!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post The Law of Detachment – Uncertainty appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Your Infinite Potential
It doesn’t matter how you measure success, achievement or prosperity. And no matter what you have accomplished up until this point in your life, you still have not even scratched the surface of your infinite potential. We are alive in a sea of inexhaustible potential and possibility. It’s time to reevaluate and reexamine what we have decided to trade our life for. We need to ask ourselves if we are in alignment with our life’s purpose. We must, absolutely must, go after our life’s dream, planted there within us by our Source.
Rumi said; ““You can accomplish a hundred other things but if you do not accomplish the one thing for which you have been sent, it will be as if you have done nothing.”
Wow. As if you have done nothing. Is that the way you want to live your life? It’s time to spend some time with your authentic self. In your quiet time of inner reflection, discern what it is that will bring satisfaction to your Soul.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Your Infinite Potential appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
A Guided Prosperity Meditation
Today’s episode is a little bit of a change of pace from what you would usually hear from me. This is a guided prosperity meditation over music. Find some time in your day to kick back, relax, put on the headphones and move into communion with your Soul. Let this be a silent retreat to help you find your center. That secret place of the most high within you where you will find all the answers you seek.
Please let me know in the comments if you would like to hear more episodes like this one. Please enjoy, but not while you’re driving or operating any machinery. Be safe. Best practices call for you to close your outer eyes and relax.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post A Guided Prosperity Meditation appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
The Law of Vibration 4.0
Today I wrap up the discussion on the law of vibration. I’ve been talking about the elements that are all contributing factors to our vibration. I invite you to listen to these last four episodes over and over. Knowledge is not enough. We must gain an understanding. If you don’t know what is contributing to the state of vibration you’re in, (cause), you won’t be effective trying to change it.
This is all about moving to a different frequency in your life. Decide that it’s time to live on the frequency of your highest aspiration and you’re as good as there. This is one of the laws that precedes the law of attraction. Remember, attraction is an effect, vibration is a cause.
Decide right now that it’s time to make a shift in your life. A shift in your vibration. It’s time to change the station you’ve been immersed in by moving the dial to a different frequency. The frequency of the life you would love to live!
Message me to set up a time to talk and have a conversation about moving into your big dream goal now!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post The Law of Vibration 4.0 appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
The Law of Vibration 3.0
Today I continue to discuss the elements that contribute to our vibration. We always want to be on guard, monitoring our frequency, so as to remain on the same frequency of what we want to experience in our life.
So often I hear people say our vibration is our feelings or our feelings is our vibration. Feelings are only one element, one contributing factor, to our vibration. We must be sure all the other elements are in alignment with the frequency we wish to maintain. And the frequency we wish to maintain should be intentional. That means we have to know what we want, we have to have a dream or a goal that we intend to achieve.
If you want to move into the realization of your big dream goal, you must have a singular focus on the object or condition you desire. You must set your intention every day, to remain on the same frequency of what you want to be, do and have.
Be sure to listen to the two preceding episodes. Each of these, on the law of vibration, is building on the prior episode.
This is powerful stuff. Listen over and over and over. Learn and gain the knowledge. In this way you move yourself to a deep understanding so you may effectively apply this in your life and finally see the results you desire.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post The Law of Vibration 3.0 appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.