Aim High
Napoleon Hill said, “No more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery and poverty.” So it comes down to a choice. Either stay in your comfort zone and accept misery day in and day out, perhaps even accepting and being comfortable with poverty or lack, or choose to demand abundance and prosperity.
Please listen. In today’s episode I talk about our dreams and goals and the choice we are making as it relates to this quote by Mr. Hill. How about demanding more of our self? How about living on purpose? How about satisfying that inner longing and discontent?
It’s about time and it’s about you!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Aim High appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Decide to Get Unstuck
Stuck? Getting unstuck begins with a decision to get unstuck. That sounds so simple doesn’t it? Let’s think about it for a minute, In every moment we are making a choice. Even not making a choice is deciding by default. We can choose to stay stuck or we can choose to make a move.
Often I hear, “Well it’s really complicated.” I get it. Been there done that. We still have to move, We still have to take that first step. We still have to at least DECIDE that we don’t want to be or feel stuck anymore. Then we take the next step, then the next.
Most people say they don’t know why they’re stuck. That can be fairly easy to identify and work through. That’s where I come in.
Take the first step, make the DECISION to get UNSTUCK. Then take the next step, reach out to me!
There are more tips in today’s episode to help you work through this. Thanks for listening!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Decide to Get Unstuck appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Stuck in the Muck?
At times we may all feel stuck. Sometimes that stuck in the muck and the yuck condition can feel like we’re standing in a mud hole up to our knees or even higher! It may even feel like we’re sinking deeper and deeper into the mud and the yuck Have you ever felt this way? Perhaps you’re there right now. It can feel like the condition, the muck, is permanent. We often feel there is no way out. However I assure you there is.
Albert Einstein said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” What this means is that if we stay focused on the mud and the muck we’ll stay there. We’ll even create more mud and yuck in our lives.
The key is focusing on what we do want rather than locking our attention on what we don’t want, the muck and yuck.
Listen to today’s episode for details. It’s time to climb out of the “being stuck” condition and pull yourself out of the muck and the yuck. Find out how.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Stuck in the Muck? appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
The Missing Ingredient
When we decide to bake a cake we need to gather the necessary ingredients. Certainly without some of them, like flour, our cake is not going to turn out very well. So it is with life and living when it comes to achieving our goals.
Today I discuss an absolutely necessary ingredient. This ingredient must be woven in and through everything we do and say and every action we take. Whether you’re in the boardroom working on corporate goals and strategies ,or in the living room with a notebook designing your dream, you must have this ingredient.
You’ll have to listen to find out what it is. You may be surprised.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post The Missing Ingredient appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
What Are You Talking About?
What are you talking about and what are you listening to? On this positive path for success, prosperity, quantum leap goal achievement and radical personal transformation, we have to constantly be on guard. It’s so easy to allow ourselves to slip into those conversations that are potentially toxic to our efforts and ambitions.
We may be going about our day, in a real good place mentally, spiritually and emotionally, when suddenly we enter into a conversation with a friend or even a stranger. The other person may begin with their list of complaints and everything else that’s wrong in their life and with the world. What do we do? So often we are start out being kind, listening with a sympathetic or empathetic ear, but before long, we find our self sharing stories about our misery as well. We were sucked right in!
We have to be mindful. We have to stand guard of what we are allowing in and attaching our thoughts too. These conversations have their own frequency and vibration and hold the potential to shift us from the positive state we may be in.
We must also be mindful of the conversations we allow to go on in the privacy of our own mind. These can be dangerous as well!
Listen in to today’s episode as I go deeper and explain the effect of all of this.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post What Are You Talking About? appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.