The Source of Your Big Dream Desire

In today’s episode, I invite you to consider something truly profound. Have you ever wondered where that big dream idea you have is coming from? I believe if you would stop long enough to consider the true Source of your burning desire, you would do nothing but pursue your big dream goal every day of your life!

It is time to wake up, to get up and get moving in the direction of your dream. The Source of your dream and your grand ideas will be supporting you all along the way. All power, all wisdom, all guidance and all the inspiration you will ever need is available to you.

It’s time to get excited knowing that there is more to you than meets the eye. There is something so much bigger than you can possibly even imagine planting the dreams and desires within you. Knowing this, you can’t fail unless you don’t even try.

Listen all this week as we go deeper and deeper into this topic.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The post The Source of Your Big Dream Desire appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

The Law of Receiving

You might be thinking, “Another law?” Yes, there are many laws of being and many laws that support the law of attraction. The law of attraction is the one we hear about all the time. However, to understand it, we must understand the laws that make up its foundation. The law of receiving is another one of those laws.

So many think that the law of attraction means simply sitting there, thinking about what you want, then getting up to answer the door and receive it. Understanding the underlying nature of attraction principles and how they work is the key. In today’s episode I talk about the law of receiving which is actually more about the law of giving. The two go hand in hand and sometimes we get this mixed up.

Get this one right and indeed, those things you want will start to just show up!

Today, I also explain why you may always find yourself in lack and limitation, tired and broke. A gentle shift it what you’re already doing will make a world of difference.

Thanks for listening, liking and sharing.

Dr. Koz (and effect!) 

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.


The post The Law of Receiving appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

Purpose and Vision

Have you identified your purpose? Do you have a grand, defined vision for your life? Does your purpose and vision include all the elements that are necessary for your personal satisfaction?

So many of us move through life on autopilot. We figure if we’re comfortable and our basic needs are met, we’re living on purpose. So many grind it out day after day in a 9 to 5 job or in a factory. We sweat through first, second or third shift routines and think this is our purpose. In fact, truly this is dying a little bit everyday.  We trade our time, often our lives, to meet our basic needs agreeing to go to work everyday building someone else’s dream.

If you’re doing something you absolutely love to do, great! If not, it’s time to think about your purpose and vision. You have unique talents and gifts that you were born with.  There’s something you are absolutely passionate about that you should be living from.  And guess what? Living from this purpose and passion, whatever it is, all your basic needs will be met and then some. More, so much more will begin to move into your life!

Yes, it’s all possible for you. It’s about time and it’s about you. Let’s get started. Listen to today’s episode to begin at once.

Then let’s get on the phone and have a conversation about your purpose, your vision and you BIG DREAM goals.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.


The post Purpose and Vision appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

Get Out of Your Funk!

Today I take you through a gentle step by step process that should lift you when you feel off. This may help to get you out of that dark valley you may have drifted into.

Life is a series of peaks and valleys. As we move along our way we will experience both. When we practice noticing what we’re noticing and we notice we’re in that funk, it’s time to do something. Today’s episode will serve you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

It’s a simple ten step process. At about seven minutes into today’s episode I bring in some gentle piano music to help with this process.

I hope this helps you to get back to center whenever you’re feeling off. Being centered and feeling good is one of the keys to manifesting our dreams and goals and ultimately the life we would love to live.

Please comment, like and share!

– Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.


The post Get Out of Your Funk! appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.

What Are You Doing?

I invite you to really take a look at what you’re doing today. Become mindful of every activity that you choose to participate in. Ask yourself, is this activity productive? Determine if this activity is an efficient use of your time to help move you closer to your goal. While it may be easy to spot the bad habits and identify the activities that are obviously non supportive of your dreams, what about the activities that aren’t necessarily bad?

That’s what today’s episode is about. Going deeper. Moving from the good to the great! Author Jim Collins, on this subject says, “Good is the enemy of the great.”  Think about this. We may move through our day and look back upon it thinking everything we participated in was a good thing and perhaps it was. But did all those good things keep us from doing GREAT things with our time?

I use the example of our study time. We may be immersed in a personal development program and decide to set aside ninety minutes a day for study. We move through our day without a plan but we did get in our ninety minutes of study. So  we sit down and spend an hour with another personal development book unrelated to our study time material. Now this is a good activity but in this scenario it is a non productive activity when it comes to moving us closer to our big dream goal.  This time should be used to participate in activities that have a direct impact on our movement towards our goal.

That’s one way we move from good to great!

As always, listening to today’s episode is of course, a GREAT activity!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The post What Are You Doing? appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.