The Genesis of Your New Life Starts Here

Truly whatever it is you want, whatever you think may be missing, you are already full of and have access too. So often we shift our attention to what we don’t want therefore magnifying the negativity in our lives.
Take a moment and affirm that all that you want and desire is on its way to you because it already exists, you created it with your thought instigating its movement. Let your focus be the fragrance of your dream rising from within you. Walk in the energy of your rainbow. Accept the Divine Givingness.
Focus on your intentions and desires, not as something you lack, but something you are grateful for because if you can create it in your imagination, it has already started toward you and has begun rising up from within you. Attraction has begun.
You are a creator, walk in the energy of your Divine Brilliance. Let all that you would become begin to unfurl. Welcome to your new story, step out of the old one. Your very own genesis begins in this eternal moment of now. You decide what that will be and what it will look like.
The power and potential of your imagination is infinitely spectacular. Close your eyes and begin at once. Your new life awaits you.
Affirm: I Am grateful for the power of my imagination where the genesis of the life I would love to live takes place. In this place I have all that is necessary to move all of my desires into my field of experience. With profound thanksgiving I decide that my prosperous life begins right now in this moment and I choose to live in this new energy now affirming I Am that. I Am!
– Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.