Living from Source Energy and Higher Consciousness
So many wander aimlessly through life, living unconsciously, frenzied and frantic, often disturbed and agitated. They live life bouncing from one reaction to another like the steel ball in a pinball machine. Their reactions are often driven by fear and confusion as they receive the input that bombards all of us, from the world around us and outside of us.
These reactions often become part of their internal programming which drives their reactive and habitual behavior which almost always produces an undesirable effect as a life experience.
It is time to just STOP it. There is a better way, a Certain Way, to live life to the fullest, personally and professionally; to accomplish, achieve. and experience successful outcomes and the realization of worthy, intentional goals and dreams.
It’s time to stand in your power, to live from pure potentiality, to live solely from your higher self and from a higher, illumined state of consciousness. It’s time to make the shift to living from ‘On High.’
Listen in now to this episode. This just might be what you need to make the shift in your life, which will make all the difference in the world, when it comes to living the life you would love to live.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD
Your Words II – Seeds of Creative Potential – Impressing Substance
All words are formative, but not all words are creative. This is law and a key point that must be understood so that you may efficiently move into the realization of all your goals and dreams. Understanding this part of the creative process is critical, especially when it comes to living the life you would love to live, personally and professionally, as opposed to living immersed in undesirable conditions experiencing unacceptable results.
I really don’t think it’s talked about or taught about enough. The law of logos seems to have gotten lost in our fast paced world. With shorter and shorter attention spans, I don’t believe we stop long enough to consider how the invisible thought process that designs, molds and shapes our dreams using the power of our imaginations, moves those goals and dreams into our visible world of form.
We must consciously recognize the creative power of our words to make an impression into the universal substance of ethereal energy.
This is beyond affirmations and words to live by. This is about the source and power of your spoken word which is the vehicle through which your ideas make themselves manifest. This is about moving your thoughts and ideas from the invisible world of non-form into the visible world of form; the realization of your ideals, your dreams and your goals.
This is about the true art of manifestation and quantum leap goal achievement often missing in personal, professional and leadership development. It’s time to put in back.
Listen now to take a deeper dive into the creative power of your spoken word and the law of logos part two.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA
Personal, Professional and Leadership Development
From Nothing to Something?
We all say it.
“It came out of nowhere, out of thin air I had this idea, out of the blue it showed up, there was nothing there when I left but when I came back there it was…”
And on and on it goes. We have this experience over and over again, yet we don’t believe our dreams can be realized, our goals can be accomplished, or our corporate objectives achieved. We have faith in what we worry about, faith in what we fear and strong beliefs surrounding all of our doubts, especially doubting what is possible for us to experience when it comes to the life we would love to live.
It all comes from somewhere. We don’t get what we experience from nothing although many times it appears that way. Everything has its beginning in thought, but this piece today is not simply another episode around cause and effect. Consider yourself. Where were you before you became you, before you were conceived or before you were born or before you were conscious? I assure you, you did not come from nothing.
As you begin to consider this and sit with these questions in the stillness of your quiet time, it is my hope that you will come to know how infinitely spectacular you truly are and how you must engage and develop those elements in your experience that seem to come out of nowhere and show up as ideas. You were meant to and in them lies your greatest gifts.
Listen now for a deeper dive into all of the above.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD
Infinite Potentiality – Unconditioned Source Energy
In this episode I pick up where I left off a couple episodes back in my podcast entry titled; ‘The Field of Infinite Potential – Unconditioned Energy.’ In this piece I hope to offer more clarity around this state of awareness. You’ll hear about your own personal doorway to a place in consciousness where all things are possible.
This is the field of infinite, pure potentiality from which all things have proceeded. I want to help make you aware of the reality of this pure, raw, unconditioned field so that you eventually develop an always on awareness of this Unconditioned Source Energy. When you do, you will realize this is your essence, and you have been given the power, being of it, to mold and shape it intentionally and deliberately.
I often tell you that you can be, do and have it all; the desires of your heart, personally and professionally, and this is true. In this episode I continue to lead you into this field from which all things have come.
You must rise higher in conscious awareness of this field of infinite potential. When you consciously move to an awareness of Unconditioned Source Energy you’ll realize you are the creator of your experiences, that nothing is withheld from you, and that you are the creator of your conditions – desirable or undesirable – including any false limitations you may be placing on yourself.
Isn’t it time you satisfy any longing and discontent you may have been experiencing by living your worthy, ideal life? It IS time to move into the greatest, grandest version of you, it’s time to move from a consciousness of impossible to possible and it all starts here.
Listen in now and begin to experience your own radical transformation.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International