Affirmations – Autosuggestions for Success and Achievement

“AUTOSUGGESTION is the agency of control through which an individual may voluntarily feed his subconscious mind on thoughts of a creative nature, or, by neglect, permit thoughts of a destructive nature to find their way into this rich garden of the mind.” – Napoleon Hill

So are you intentionally and deliberately feeding this rich garden of the mind or are you moving about life, day in and day out, unconsciously planting weeds yet expecting flowers?

We talk often about moving through life as an unconscious competent and that’s what most people do. But what is getting through? What is making it’s way into this fertile garden? It really is just about any thought we attach feeling and emotion to. Then, these dominant thoughts, even the negative ones, become our life experience. This is the product of our thoughts showing up as our results in the physical world of form.

In today’s episode I talk about a system I have used all my life to experience personal and professional transformation. Listen in as I share a bit about my story using affirmations and how some of them, quite literally, almost knocked me out cold!

You’ll also learn a simple and powerful practice you can begin right now to make a huge difference in your life when it comes to success and achievement.

Listen in now…

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Manifestation – Your Word Accomplishes

You are either attracting what you want or pushing it away. And you do this with your thoughts, your state of consciousness and your words. The words you speak, both within the inner dialogue that you participate in all day long and your spoken words, out loud and with others, attract conditions and experiences.

The “pushing it away” is actually the attracting of what you don’t want into your experience by your dominating thoughts and feelings along with the words you speak. So many neglect this aspect as they deliberately go about the process of creating an ideal personal and professional life experience. Our words are so powerful. We have learned this from all the great teachers, philosophers, theologians and mystics.

It’s not enough to just spend twenty minutes a day doing visioning and visualization exercises every morning and evening. You have to move into your ideal life at once, living from it not merely thinking of it.

Watching the words we use with ourselves and with others is one way we can be sure we are in alignment, in harmony, with the life we would love to live and not negating our efforts by using language that would contradict the ideal experience. This is how we begin to change our operating frequency and shift our vibration. Our voice must unite with the life of our soul.

Listen in to this episode as I take this deeper and help move you to a place of understanding. And remember, our personal and professional development is not primarily under the physical law, because the physical law is secondary. Metaphysical law is primary. We must study, understand and embody these primary spiritual laws of cause and effect.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Paradigm Purge – Manifestation Starts Here

So many people want to skip this part when it comes to manifesting the life they would love to live, personally and professionally. I see this all the time with individuals, small businesses and corporations.

The individual sees some magic webinar or course offering stating they can learn how to manifest anything they want and it will show up tomorrow. Many small businesses being run by individuals fall into this trap also. I see corporations as well that want to change corporate culture so they bring in the so called culture experts, they may even have one on staff, and they’re charged with changing the corporate energy and feeling. Yet nothing changes because the underlying nature of why things are they way they are in the first place has been totally ignored.

So often it seems that no one wants to do the basics, the “pre-season” workout stuff that is necessary for deliberate and intentional manifestation / change to take place. Identifying and purging old worn out paradigms is the fundamental work that needs to be done that most people want to skip. You can’t. It doesn’t work that way. The paradigm is always in charge.

Listen in as I take a deep dive into this topic. I’m hoping it will inspire you to finally do what is necessary in order to experience radical personal transformation and quantum leaps when it comes to goal achievement in your personal and professional life.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Forgiving the Shadows

When we study personal and professional development we are really learning to increase our level of awareness. We begin by taking personal responsibility for what is showing up in our lives and then we experience transformation by living from the inside out rather than the outside in. To eliminate the roadblocks that prevent us from making quantum leaps when it comes to goal achievement, we must consider forgiveness.

Listen to what best selling author, psychologist and Buddhist meditation teacher Jack Kornfield has to say about this:

“For most people forgiveness is a process. When you have been deeply wounded, the work of forgiveness can take years. It will go through many stages – grief, rage, sorrow, fear and confusion – and in the end, if you let yourself feel the pain you carry, it will come as a relief, as a release for your heart. You will see that forgiveness is fundamentally for your own sake, a way to carry the pain of the past no longer. The fate of the person who harmed you, whether they be alive or dead, does not matter nearly as much as what you carry in your heart. And if the forgiveness is for yourself, for your own guilt, for the harm you’ve done to yourself or to another, the process is the same. You will come to realize that you can carry it no longer.”

To be the truly powerful tool that forgiveness is it must spread in three directions. Don’t miss this episode to find out what those three directions are and why you must begin at once, for your own sake!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International

Intuition vs. Inspiration – Q and A

It’s time to take a look at some of the questions that have come up from listeners to this podcast, The Genesis Frequency. In this episode I only got to one question but it is a real good one. What is the difference between intuition and inspiration?

Take a listen and learn about how we develop these and step into the flow of both intuition and inspiration. These are two absolutely transformational, life changing gifts we all have. When you become more aware of intuition and inspiration, these gifts will deliver you out of bondage into liberty and become your go to secret genius powers for successful and prosperous living!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International