The Power You Possess
The POWER you possess to be, do, and have it all, exists right where you are; in fact this power is within you whether you realize it or not. In the context I explore with you in this episode, you’ll find that your power is the key to accessing your infinite potential.
The word power has many definitions such as your ability to do or act in the direction of accomplishing and achieving your objectives; energy transferred, momentum.
When it comes to your personal, professional, and leadership development you should consider the elements that grant you power or where your power actually resides.
In this episode I suggest that your power lies in your awareness of choice, decision, intention, and commitment. We’ll explore all of these in this podcast and how they contribute to your power to accomplish the desires of your heart; your goals, dreams and objectives; personally and professionally.
Click below and listen now to move into a deeper awareness of the power within you.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA
Personal, Professional and Leadership Development
What Did You Decide? You Can Be Do and Have it All
Times up! What did you decide? Which way will you go?
What did you decide that you want to experience in every area of your life? You can be do and have it all. Every dream, desire, wish, aspiration, improvement. Whatever you want, whatever it is, can be yours!
So did you decide what you want? Many episodes ago I gave you instructions for getting a head start on the year ahead, did you follow those instructions?
If you don’t want to go another year and find yourself in the same place you are now, then let’s get started on this. There is a reason why you haven’t moved into the life you would love to live yet. There is a reason you only get so far then you you’re back to the same old place in life.
Stop it!
This is for individuals, small business owners, entrepreneurs and those of you anywhere on a corporate team including C-suite executives. Stop doing the same things and expecting different results. It’s time to decide now. It’s time to learn how to do things in a ‘certain way.’ It’s time for new internal programming to replace worn out habitual behavior.
I guarantee your results. Let’s talk.
Listen to this episode now to begin at once.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna
The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-USA
Decision – Make Up Your Mind
“There is a single mental move you can make which, in a millisecond, will solve enormous problems for you. It has the potential to improve almost any personal or business situation you will ever encounter and it could literally propel you down the path to incredible success. We have a name for this magical mental activity, it is called DECISION.” – Bob Proctor
In my last episode I invited you to begin thinking about what you want to create in your life, personally and professionally, in the year ahead. I even gave you some powerful exercises to help you get this done.
What did you decide? This seems to be the most difficult thing to do for most people. They get stuck in an ambivalent state unable to make a choice as to what direction they would like to take their personal and professional life. To make matters worse, most people look to their own circumstances or the circumstances in the world around them, to help with their decision or non-decision making process.
Decisions should be based on what you want. Whether you want it or not should be the only consideration. You’ll find the way, the how will show up and so will the money. Stop asking how much something is and other questions based on circumstances. Begin at once to deliberately design your life based on what will quench the thirst created by your inner longing for something more and your discontent with what is currently showing up.
You can do this and the magic starts to happen once you make a committed decision. I have seen it happen over and over and over again.
Listen in now as I take a deep dive into DECISION.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
What’s YOUR Problem?
In this episode I take a deep dive into what it could be that you really, really want in your life and why you aren’t experiencing it yet. What is it going to take for you to make the decision to step into the life you would love to live?
We’re just about at the point of wrapping up the third quarter of this year. Where are you in relation to where you want to be? Listen in now as we look at your life as an individual, a small business owner or a member of a corporate team.
I break desires down into four categories to help you decide what’s calling you the most. Don’t miss this episode, it could be just what you need to take YOU to the next level. It’s time to experience quantum leaps when it comes to your own goal achievement and experience radical personal and professional transformation.
It’s time to become fully engaged with life and living!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Where Are you Now and Where Do You Want to Be in the Year Ahead?
This is a great time of year to make an appointment with yourself and commit to doing a real honest review with yourself. Take a look at the last two or three years of your life and step back. Do an honest assessment of where you are now compared to where you were twelve months and twenty-four months ago.
Has there been any growth? Have you seen your wildest dreams come true, personally and professionally? In your business and / or in your corporate life? In your health and physical fitness? In your relationships? In your finances? How about when it comes to time and money freedom? What you want for you? In what you would love to be, do, have and experience in your life? Are you truly, really and truly, living the life you would love to live, the life that up until now you have only dreamt about?
Reading books, listening to podcasts, getting a coach, enrolling in program after program is most often NOT what is missing if you have not yet realized your personal and professional goals.
In my work with individuals on their own personal development or when I work with small business owners or corporate teams and professionals, it comes down to understanding followed by appropriate action.
In this episode I go into depth about what exactly needs to be understood. Get these pieces right, through understanding and discovery, then make adjustments; and you will very quickly move way out in front of the herd holding the keys to the realization of your most extraordinary vision for your life and living.
Set your intention now for the upcoming year. Commit to doing this personal and professional evaluation. And most of all, don’t buy into all your excuses for staying stuck right where you always seem to be.
Listen in now and begin at once to move in the direction of your dreams.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International