Belief: An Essential Element of Your Success

I have been sharing quite a bit recently about your power, your thoughts, your imagination and the way each of these elements contribute to creating the life you would love to live both personally and professionally.

In this episode I move to the discussion of another element which is absolutely critical to your personal and professional success and the accomplishment of all your goals and dreams.

Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” We could also say, whether you believe you can or believe you can’t; you’re right!

The element of belief in your own ability to tap into your infinite potential and bring the desires of your heart into your field of experience is imperative.

When it comes to your personal, professional, and leadership development, you should consider all these elements that support the realization of your desires.

Click below and listen now to move into a deeper awareness of this critical element.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

What Did You Decide? You Can Be Do and Have it All

Times up! What did you decide? Which way will you go?

What did you decide that you want to experience in every area of your life? You can be do and have it all. Every dream, desire, wish, aspiration, improvement. Whatever you want, whatever it is, can be yours!

So did you decide what you want? Many episodes ago I gave you instructions for getting a head start on the year ahead, did you follow those instructions?

If you don’t want to go another year and find yourself in the same place you are now, then let’s get started on this. There is a reason why you haven’t moved into the life you would love to live yet. There is a reason you only get so far then you you’re back to the same old place in life.

Stop it!

This is for individuals, small business owners, entrepreneurs and those of you anywhere on a corporate team including C-suite executives. Stop doing the same things and expecting different results. It’s time to decide now. It’s time to learn how to do things in a ‘certain way.’ It’s time for new internal programming to replace worn out habitual behavior.

I guarantee your results. Let’s talk.

Listen to this episode now to begin at once.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-USA

Becoming the Ideal You

I’ve been discussing that unwanted ‘stuff’ that is perhaps taking up valuable ‘mental space’ or ‘bandwidth’ in your own consciousness. I talked about observing what is ‘on your consciousness plate’ so to speak, specifically the non productive stuff that is not supportive of the objectives you hope to realize as soon as possible.

We reviewed areas where you may need to do some ‘letting go’ then I shared several tools to use as you work on the replacement process to help you remain in an always on conscious awareness of the ideal you seek to create, .

There is a certain process you must learn to put in place in order to be successful in letting go and aligning with the frequency of your ideal life. Move in these goal supportive elements and they will assist you in making quantum leaps in the direction of the life you would love to live. You could liken all of this to pulling weeds and planting flowers.

In this episode I invite you to look at some of the intangible aspects of character and personality that you may want to include in this process of molding and shaping what you are becoming. Remember, you want to focus on what you are being in order to do and have all that you desire. Listen in to gain more clarity and begin to look at the intangibles you may want to consider.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Going Deeper into the Be in Be – Do – Have

In the last episode I brought out the concept of ‘be – do – have’ again and hopefully I brought you some clarity around this. Be – Do – Have is talked about quite a bit in coaching and mentoring circles. Some of the information out there is great but I feel a lot of the information is either incomplete or lacks effective communication that brings the student a solid understanding of this topic.

In this episode I spend more time on the ‘Be’ part of the equation and hopefully I communicate well the critical importance of this step in the process developing your potential. You must get this step right in order to move forward effectively in the direction of your dreams, goals and objectives; your be-coming

Listen in now and go deeper.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Manifestation Process IV – Faith and Belief

We’re moving along here with the process of making manifest all you wish to be, do and have in your life as I continue to share the Simple Five Step Manifestation Procedure.

Again, this is for individuals, small businesses, and corporations. This is the process for properly cooperating with the Laws of Infinite Potential. Remember, what you see in the world of form comes from what you do not see, we’re making manifest the invisible. That is, we are creating an image in our mind of what we desire to be, do and have and we are following a process, order, that moves our desire from non form to form.

Today we do a brief review then move into step four which is Belief and Faith. Just a reminder here, we do not have to know HOW our good will come to us. In fact, HOW is none of our business.

There is a Presence and Power at work here that is beyond our human comprehension. Believe, in every moment of the day, and have faith that this system will work for you as you stay committed to your vision, your dream, and the life you would love to live.

Listen in now!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International