Moving Into the Vision – Part II – Energy, Emotion, Thoughts, Words, and Action

In the last episode I shared with you that you must MOVE INTO your vision. I explained that Moving In is essential. You must move into your objective as soon as you have clearly identified specifically what it is. This is so important because so many miss this point then don’t understand why their goals are not being realized.

Moving in is something you do in consciousness. Then you move in mentally, physically, and emotionally; this is imperative.

In this episode I speak about carrying this energy over into every thought, word and action and how this will impact and influence your subconscious mind. You are actually dialing into the frequency where the reality of your goals exist.

The desires of your heart are a pressing out of your very essence. This pressing out is your nature, your spirit, your soul, your character, all seeking greater expression. You can help it along by Moving In as soon as possible.

Matching the vibration of the life you would love to live, personally and professionally, is the most efficient way to make a quantum leap in the direction of all you desire to experience.

Click below to listen now and begin your move at once, into the life you would love to live!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

Developing Desire and Passion – Step 3

Learning how to develop desire and passion, in yourself and others, is a unique leadership skill that is essential for your desired growth.

Desire and passion are necessary elements in the pursuit of worthy ideals especially when it comes to making those quantum leaps in the direction of all you desire to experience personally and professionally.

In the book “The 5 Pillars of Leadership; How to Bridge the Leadership Gap” by Paul J. Meyer, founder of Leadership Management International and Rand Slechta, LMI’s current CEO, we find this insight:

“The desire and passion with which you and your team members face a challenge is an essential part of the soul of your organization. Without it, you and your team lack spiritual guidance and creative expression. Without desire and passion, there is no intuition; missing is the still small voice within you to provide insight into both situations and people. Without desire and passion, all of your talents and abilities tend to lie fallow and unresponsive; your potential is hidden, buried and dormant.”

In the last episode I explored step two, this episode focuses on step three. I suggest going back and listening to the last few episodes. I will discuss step four in the next episode and then wrap up this series with step five in the episode after that.

Join me as I take a deep dive into all five steps to developing desire and passion as shared by these two brilliant authors in this spectacular book. I highly recommend you get your own copy.

Set the intention now to no longer allow your infinite potential to remain hidden, buried and dormant. Commit to not only listening to this podcast but also applying the wisdom shared to your unique situation and taking action based on what you take away from these episodes.

Click below to listen and get started now.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Why You Might Be Stuck – Part Two

This show is about helping you to make a quantum leap from where you are now to where you want to be; the realization of your greatest vision for your life, personally and professionally.

Of course the first step is getting started by deciding what it is you want by identifying your dreams and desires for you personally and / or your objectives professionally for your small business or on your corporate teams.

I have found that even this step is difficult for most people. They get stuck on the ‘how’? They get stuck by not giving themselves permission to dream big enough and the list goes on. Then even if they do decide on the one big dream goal they are going to pursue, there comes a few roadblocks where almost everyone gets stuck.

Here are a few of the stoppers we’ve explored in this episode and the previous one:

Paradigms – Beliefs – Expectation – Keeping Score – Consistency – Non-Action – Word Tracks – Attitude – Commitment – Emotional State – Awareness of Spiritual Energy and Presence

If you are aware of these stoppers at the beginning of your quest you can identify them when you are stuck then get to work on the solutions to move you along your way and into your quantum leap.

In this episode and the previous one, I help you to identify where you might be stuck. We’ll run through this list to help you observe if any of these things are getting in your way. Identifying what is stopping you is the first step in overcoming the obstacle.

Listen in and get out of that funk quickly whenever these stoppers show up that keep you stuck.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

From Stuck to Manifestation Acceleration

This show is about helping you to make a quantum leap from where you are now to where you want to be; the realization of your greatest vision for your life, personally and professionally.

Of course the first step is getting started by deciding what it is you want by identifying your dreams and desires for you personally and / or your objectives professionally for your small business or on your corporate teams. I have found that even this step is difficult for most people. They get stuck on the ‘how’? They get stuck by not giving themselves permission to dream big enough and the list goes on. Then even if they do decide on the one big dream goal they are going to pursue, there comes a few roadblocks where almost everyone gets stuck.

If you are aware of these stoppers at the beginning of your quest you can identify them when you are stuck then get to work on the solutions to move you along your way and into your quantum leap.

In this episode I help you to identify where you might be stuck. We’ll take a deeper dive in the next few episodes too, working on solutions. For now, listen in and get out of that funk quickly whenever these stoppers show up that keep you stuck.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International