The Law of Assumption – Quantum Impact

In this episode I take a deep dive into the law of assumption. Consciously assuming the state of your desires and objectives, already made manifest, in thought, word and action; is the most powerful thing you can do to make a quantum leap into the realization of those desires and objectives.

To make a quantum impact right now today, make this move. Move into ‘being’ that which you desire to experience.This is the way to accelerate your progress personally and professionally. This is for individuals and small businesses and ESPECIALLY for those of you in a corporate environment, looking to have a major impact on your culture, human behavior, performance and productivity along with the achievement of corporate goals and objectives.

Remember, we live in a cause and effect universe. To experience transformation and make quantum leaps toward your goals, you have to impact cause. Influencing cause to produce a desired effect has to come from within consciousness it won’t happen from outside the individual(s), through events or natural evolution.

When you make this move and take action, you will be astonished at the reaction you receive from the world around you in the form of conditions, events, circumstances, people and other resources that quickly move in, to support you on your way.

Listen now. You’ll be glad you did.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Imagination + Assumption + Feeling = Manifestation – Part Two

In this episode I continue to build a foundation of understanding for you. This is to help move you to a place of clarity when it comes to the laws of cause and effect. Whether you want to make manifest the desires of your heart personally, or achieve professional goals in your corporate environment, you must comprehend the elements of the Certain Way that are universal when it comes to the infrastructure of creative consciousness.

We live in a cause and effect universe. When we cooperate with the laws of cause and effect we find that the realization of our desires are made manifest with ease and grace rather than with stress and strain that rarely, if ever, produces desirable results.

Did you know that you could NOT even have your desires if it were not possible for you to achieve them and experience them in your life? This is about intentionally and consciously molding, shaping and conditioning invisible, infinite, unconditioned substance into the visible, tangible desires of your heart by moving them to a realized experience in a Certain Way.

In this episode I shed more light on the Certain Way talking a little bit more about creative laws, imagination, the law of assumption; and an awareness of our feeling / emotional consciousness. Entering the state of the wish fulfilled is the most powerful thing you can do to make a quantum leap in the direction of your desired experience.

I will continue with this over the next few episodes so don’t miss these. This content has the potential to influence your own transformation in a profound way.

Hit that play button and listen now. You’ll be glad you did.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Imagination – Assumption – Feeling – Manifestation – Part One

In this episode I begin to lay a foundation of understanding for you. This is to help move you to a place of clarity. Whether you want to make manifest the desires of your heart personally, or achieve professional goals in your corporate environment, you must comprehend the elements of the Certain Way that are universal when it comes to the infrastructure of creative consciousness.

We live in a cause and effect universe. When we cooperate with the laws of cause and effect we find that the realization of our desires are made manifest with ease and grace rather than with stress and strain that rarely, if ever, produces desirable results.

In this episode I shed more light on the Certain Way talking a little bit about creative laws, imagination, assumption and feeling. I will continue with this over the next few episodes so don’t miss these. This content has the potential to influence your own transformation.

Hit that play button and listen now. You’ll be glad you did.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Metaphysics of Manifestation / Energy – Power – Thought

In this episode I begin a deep dive into the nature and origin of everything that shows up as our reality and experience. In the preceding episodes I began discussing the field and laws of infinite potential and your own personal doorway to a place in consciousness where all things are possible. I began the discussion by talking about unconditioned source energy.

In this episode I begin to go deeper by metaphysically defining energy, power and thought and their relationship to each other. Especially when it comes to manifesting the life and conditions you would love to live and experience.

You must realize that the law of attraction is an effect, not a cause. You need to understand the primary laws of causation in order to attract the desires and experiences you long for. Understanding the laws of causation begins here.

Whether you deliberately and intentionally cooperate with these laws or you are simply moving through life unaware of them – they are still at work. They are not sometimes on, sometimes off. They are not working for some and not for others.

Listen in now to begin the process of understanding why your experiences are showing up as the conditions and circumstances, the results, you are right now experiencing.

Once you move to a place of clarity around all of this, you’ll be able to greatly influence what is showing up for you and begin to finally attract the desires of your heart.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Conscious Creation – The Basics

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil. You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as you dominant aspiration.” – James Allen

Those are true words of wisdom from the late British philosophical writer and pioneer of the self-help movement, James Allen, in his most popular book, As a Man Thinketh.

In this podcast episode I go back to basics. I talk about where the life we are living originates in all all of us. It all starts with your thoughts so be sure your thoughts are yours and not someone else’s that may have been planted in your mind either a long time ago or yesterday.

Listen in now and determine if you’ve been living on auto-pilot as an unconscious competent or if you are indeed deliberately creating the life you would love to live from the energy of your most dominant aspiration. It’s up to you. You can live from the outside in and usually experience miserable longing and discontent or you can live life from the inside out, consciously creating your desired reality.

Hit that play button to learn the basics or if you’ve been around awhile, to remind yourself to take responsibility for what’s showing up in your life.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International