Imagination + Assumption + Feeling = Manifestation – Part Three
In this episode I continue to build a foundation of understanding for you. This is to help move you to a place of clarity when it comes to the laws of cause and effect. Whether you want to make manifest the desires of your heart personally, or achieve professional goals in your corporate environment, you must comprehend the elements of the Certain Way that are universal when it comes to the infrastructure of creative consciousness.
We live in a cause and effect universe. When we cooperate with the laws of cause and effect we find that the realization of our desires are made manifest with ease and grace rather than with stress and strain that rarely, if ever, produces desirable results.
Did you know that you could NOT even have your desires if it were not possible for you to achieve them and experience them in your life? This is about intentionally and consciously molding, shaping and conditioning invisible, infinite, unconditioned substance into the visible, tangible desires of your heart by moving them to a realized experience in a Certain Way.
In this episode I shed more light on the Certain Way and more about consciousness, the law of assumption; and an awareness of our emotional state; all as key elements of cause for what is showing up in life as our experience. Consciously assuming and entering the state of the wish fulfilled, in thought, word and action, is the most powerful thing you can do to make a quantum leap in the direction of your desired experience.
I will continue with this over the next few episodes so don’t miss these. This content has the potential to influence your own transformation in a profound way.
Listen now. You’ll be glad you did.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD
Imagination + Assumption + Feeling = Manifestation – Part Two
In this episode I continue to build a foundation of understanding for you. This is to help move you to a place of clarity when it comes to the laws of cause and effect. Whether you want to make manifest the desires of your heart personally, or achieve professional goals in your corporate environment, you must comprehend the elements of the Certain Way that are universal when it comes to the infrastructure of creative consciousness.
We live in a cause and effect universe. When we cooperate with the laws of cause and effect we find that the realization of our desires are made manifest with ease and grace rather than with stress and strain that rarely, if ever, produces desirable results.
Did you know that you could NOT even have your desires if it were not possible for you to achieve them and experience them in your life? This is about intentionally and consciously molding, shaping and conditioning invisible, infinite, unconditioned substance into the visible, tangible desires of your heart by moving them to a realized experience in a Certain Way.
In this episode I shed more light on the Certain Way talking a little bit more about creative laws, imagination, the law of assumption; and an awareness of our feeling / emotional consciousness. Entering the state of the wish fulfilled is the most powerful thing you can do to make a quantum leap in the direction of your desired experience.
I will continue with this over the next few episodes so don’t miss these. This content has the potential to influence your own transformation in a profound way.
Hit that play button and listen now. You’ll be glad you did.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD
Imagination – Assumption – Feeling – Manifestation – Part One
In this episode I begin to lay a foundation of understanding for you. This is to help move you to a place of clarity. Whether you want to make manifest the desires of your heart personally, or achieve professional goals in your corporate environment, you must comprehend the elements of the Certain Way that are universal when it comes to the infrastructure of creative consciousness.
We live in a cause and effect universe. When we cooperate with the laws of cause and effect we find that the realization of our desires are made manifest with ease and grace rather than with stress and strain that rarely, if ever, produces desirable results.
In this episode I shed more light on the Certain Way talking a little bit about creative laws, imagination, assumption and feeling. I will continue with this over the next few episodes so don’t miss these. This content has the potential to influence your own transformation.
Hit that play button and listen now. You’ll be glad you did.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD
Strive for Excellence in this Moment
In this episode I talk about disengaging from the ceaseless inner chatter that is going on within all of us. It’s not something you can stop but you can certainly calm it down and choose to direct it to be a cheerleader rather than a negative voice that is always critical of every thought, word and action that makes up your day.
I’ll be speaking about different techniques we can use to tame this monkey mind in the next episode. In this entry I am inviting you to focus on bringing excellence to every eternal moment of right now. When you strive for excellence in every moment, how good do you think you will feel at the end of the day?
When you feel good about your day and the movement you made in the direction of your dream, you’ll quiet the negative inner dialogue because your mind will tend to speak positive words of support and encouragement.
Bringing excellence to everything you do is one of the ways you make a quantum leap toward your dreams and aspirations. Develop this into a habit and it will totally transform your life and the results that show up for you day in and day out will be astonishing.
Listen in now to take a deeper dive.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Be – Do – Have – Getting Clarity
I’ve noticed that a lot of people talk about the concept of be, do and have but very few seem to understand it. In today’s episode I take a deep dive to help you get some clarity around this concept.
Order is important. You can’t mix these up and expect the same results. You also really have to spend some quality time and in depth time on ‘be.’ I feel the importance of this and the understanding of this is often overlooked so ego takes over.
This is about firmly rooting and grounding yourself in what you already authentically are, bringing it to the surface subjectively, then claiming it and living from it.
It’s so easy to skip over this first step. When you do you risk feeling like a victim, you may become overly judgmental and perhaps even develop so much attachment to a specific outcome that you end up actually pushing it away.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International