Stop Playing Small
Do you shrink a little on the inside when you think about the things you would like to be, do and have? How often do you consider your infinite potential and what is truly possible for your life? Perhaps you’re like so many others that think success and prosperity is possible for others but for some strange reason, not for yourself.
In today’s episode we’ll take a look at what you are made of. When we walk and have our beingness in the light we truly are, we begin to truly realize all things are possible for our lives. And they are, especially if we can fashion their design with the power of our imagination.
It’s time to stop playing small and it’s time to begin at once. As Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.”
This episode is great episode to listen to everyday to fire you up for the week ahead!
Please listen, comment, like and share.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Stop Playing Small appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
What Does Your Future Look Like?
What Does Your Future Look Like? Have you given this question any thought lately? To think about our goals and dreams, deciding what we truly want, is one thing; it’s another to consider the bigger picture. Think about companies like Kodak that filed for bankruptcy in 2012 and had to go about reinventing itself because of suffering from myopia.
Look how the face of transportation and the taxicab industry has changed with the entrance of Uber and Lyft. Both companies are software companies, they don’t even own any cars! The same with Airbnb, the biggest hotel company in the world yet they don’t own any properties. The list goes on and on.
Before we know it the automotive companies will be replaced by Tesla, Apple and Google, computers on wheels will replace our cars. We’ll just call for computer on wheels to take us to our destination. The energy industry is changing daily too.
The healthcare and legal industries are rapidly experiencing an evolution as artificial intelligence is proving to have a 90% accuracy rate compared to 70% by humans in these fields.
Please listen in to today’s episode as I discuss the impact of all this in more detail.
It may be time for those of you living in your comfort zone of “I’m good, I don’t need to think about my dreams and goals,” to wake up and consider the bigger picture. You’re condition, situation and circumstance can change in the blink of an eye. Are you prepared?
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post What Does Your Future Look Like? appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Check Your Filter
Are you getting by consciously or unconsciously? 99% of the people in this world are unconscious competents. Getting by on auto-pilot. You may say “Well I don’t believe that!” However, If you really take some time to think about this not only will you start to believe it, it will become very obvious to you.
We wake up and say let’s see what happens today rather than deliberately deciding what our day will look like and what experiences will we attract. How about deciding how you feel each and every day? How about setting a deliberate intention for your life and living.
It starts with your thoughts and can be as simple as the words you use, speak and think. It’s about energy. Negative or positive. It’s about replacing thoughts and words that are non-supportive of the way we want to feel and the things we want to experience.
This isn’t about overthinking everything either. This is about being conscious in every moment by mastering your dominant thoughts, your words and monitoring your attitude.
It’s about feeling the way you want to feel every day, intentionally.
What feels better? Being comfortably miserable day in and day out wondering what’s going to happen next or really living your life deliberately and intentionally creating each day in your own way?
I go deeper into this in today’s episode.
Note: (Tell me what minute and approximate second mark you hear the horn honk and you’ll win a digital copy of the book You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor!)
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Always Check Your Filter appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
Remarkable Results
Moving the Needle
If you really want to move the needle and make some progress in your life and your business, do some planning. The first thing you might want to look at when your developing goals and deciding which ones are a priority, is look to the pain. This can be in your life, your small business or your corporation. You can be very successful in almost every area of your life and business, but chances are there’s a sore spot. An area of your life or a department in your company where you don’t ever, or rarely, see improvement; where the results seem to always be the same or keep getting worse.
Often companies and individuals think the answer is more training and distributing more knowledge. While that might help, “more knowing,” doesn’t always translate to “improved doing.” That’s because it comes down to the way we are wired through the multitude of habits that have been established in our subconscious mind. These are called paradigms. Until the paradigm is changed in the individual the results will stay the same.
Corporate Culture
In a corporation we call these paradigms corporate culture and you can often feel it. Think about it. Think about how you feel when you visit a particular business. Do you feel good? Does it feel like positive energy when you walk in? Or do you want to exit as soon as possible? We have all had those feelings and they come from the corporate culture that exists within the organization.
Change the culture and everything changes including results!
Listen in today for an extraordinary example of an extraordinary CEO that leads his company by clearly defining and communicating corporate goals.
Then get in touch with me and schedule a time to have a conversation. Let’s talk about where you or your company might be stuck. Let’s take a look at that ‘sore spot’ that is painful and make some plans to truly move the needle.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post Remarkable Results appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.
North Stars – Your Guiding Light
North Stars are words to live by. Not something you want but something that keeps you on your path. They’re not necessarily an affirmation but could be. North Stars help us get unstuck and keep us moving forward in a positive direction.
In today’s episode I go into more detail about North Stars. I also share three of mine. They have been by my side for years. Do you have North Stars front and center in your life? If not and you’re feeling stuck, today’s episode may help you pull free from being stuck in the muck!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The post North Stars – Your Guiding Light appeared first on The Genesis Frequency.