The Power You Possess

The POWER you possess to be, do, and have it all, exists right where you are; in fact this power is within you whether you realize it or not. In the context I explore with you in this episode, you’ll find that your power is the key to accessing your infinite potential.

The word power has many definitions such as your ability to do or act in the direction of accomplishing and achieving your objectives; energy transferred, momentum.

When it comes to your personal, professional, and leadership development you should consider the elements that grant you power or where your power actually resides.

In this episode I suggest that your power lies in your awareness of choice, decision, intention, and commitment. We’ll explore all of these in this podcast and how they contribute to your power to accomplish the desires of your heart; your goals, dreams and objectives; personally and professionally.

Click below and listen now to move into a deeper awareness of the power within you.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

About the author, Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D. is an Inspirational Speaker, an author and an ordained New Thought Unity Minister. He provides inspiration and motivation through his podcasts, the written word and rhythm events.

He is the founder and CEO of Success Ocean International through which he operates as a Proctor-Gallagher Institute Consultant facilitating radical personal transformation and quantum leap goal achievement through a variety of programs for individuals, small businesses and corporations.

His mission is the message of whole life success and prosperity available to everyone through the understanding of, and cooperation with; Universal Laws.

Dr. Stephen has his master’s degree in Metaphysical Science with a focus on the power of our subconscious mind and his Doctor of Philosophy degree specializing in holistic life coaching. A true mystic and metaphysician, he is a member in good standing of the American Metaphysical Doctors Association and offers one on one spiritual counselling, coaching and spiritual mind treatments as well.

Dr. Stephen is also the founder of The Genesis Frequency podcast and author of the book, The Genesis Frequency, which helps others to create the life they would love to live by cooperating with the rhythm of life.

He also loves nurturing and coaching the spiritually minded entrepreneur, empowering them to live their dream life now. He seeks to work with women and men who would like to make success, personal development, spirituality and the law of attraction a profession and a way a life.

Dr. Stephen says, “In this field of human potential development an individual can work anywhere in the world with a laptop and phone, earning an executive level income now, not in years. My program puts an emphasis on living your life by design, a life you don’t need a vacation from because every day is a vacation day!”

Dr. Stephen works by appointment and conducts interviews prior to selecting individual candidates for most of his programs to determine qualifications and see if there is alignment regarding energy and objectives.

Conversations and interviews by appointment. Call 248.939.1472


  1. Rusty Klumpp on 06/20/2024 at 11:12 PM

    “The power you posses” I really don’t know how much space I have to comment on this particular podcast, but this is the first time that I’ve listened to your talk and I find it very encouraging, however, aimed at an audience that is corporate that is a great and wonderful thing, sir. But if we apply this in the microcosm our own frequency, into our personal lives. I can see great value in your message, and this particular podcast; I will listen to it over and over again. However, I must tell you that I am disconnected from the matrix of humanities control over so many forces that are in place to keep people in fear and following, toeing the line as you might say. . I do watch the news every once in a while. However, I get a lot of what I understand as world news and other happenings secondhand by my phone account so I’m not totally in the black here. I have spoken with you before my name is Rusty Klumpp. I will listen to your podcasts more often. I find that our modern television and other media, including Facebook. Although I am very attached to Facebook, addicted even. I’ve been blogging for over two years now. But, your podcast makes a lot of sense and I will be watching out for your continuing free. counseling through this media. I have taken on a medical certification course as of last November of 24, till now. I ran out of steam about two months ago and my routine fell apart, I am still trying to get my equilibrium and continuing to finish off what I have started. And so that is what resonated with me how you were saying that one must take time to commit to whatever one wishes to have in their life, with all their heart. And this medical certification is what I need at 61 years old, retired, but going back to work as soon as I finish getting my certification. I find it difficult lately to concentrate on my schoolwork, I am an eternal student like yourself, sir . I’m not happy if I’m not researching and writing. It is my forte, my talent and my gift. Thank you, Steven for such a wonderful podcast, just know that I will be paying special attention and listening to your wonderful advice, to say the least wonderful doesn’t cover the waterfront sir. Again, thank you, Steven. Be at peace and know that you are moving the world into the shifts that will occur at sometime in the future for the betterment of mankind and of corporate America, as well as the corporation of the mind, heart soul spirit of mankind. Sincerely sir, Rusty Klumpp.

    • Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D. on 06/23/2024 at 12:39 PM

      WOW! Thank you so much Rusty! I appreciate you taking the time to listen. Please continue to share your input. I read your stuff too and gain mental and spiritual nourishment from you as well. we’re all students and we’re all teachers!

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