Crystalizing the Vision – Establishing the Foundation
Crystallizing your vision brings focused clarity to all you aspire to be, do, and have in your life and within your small business, your company, your organization or your ministry.
“Crystallizing your vision makes the process of becoming an effective leader much easier. For your associates, a concise vision identifies your overall business goals and links their goals to yours.
Without a vision statement, many of your team members are likely to feel that they are a part of something quite ordinary – something drab, dull and lacking direction. The vision statement sets the tone for the future of the company. [And for you!] It should be exciting but brief, it should convey a sense of urgency and a clear sense of corporate destiny.
If you want to be a highly effective leader, take a good look at your vision statement. (If you don’t have one, you need to set about creating one today!) A vision statement defines the future; every day you work without it, you are working for yesterday rather than for tomorrow. Your vision statement should be a conduit or channel for your goals and expectations. It should challenge you and your team members to a bright new future without burdening anyone with the mistakes and poor choices that may have been made in the past.” – From The 5 Pillars of Leadership by Paul J. Meyer and Randy Slechta
This episode takes you deeper and shows you the relationship between your purpose, mission, and vision and the order of be, do, have along with thought, word, and action. This is the Certain Way of establishing the desired culture in your organization by laying this solid foundation.
Listen now and take your life, your company, your business or your ministry; to the next level.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD
Attitude: Adjustment and Alignment
The word attitude is tossed around so much most people can come up with some kind of definition to describe what attitude is. You’re probably doing it right now, perhaps saying to yourself, “Yeah, I know what attitude is, doesn’t everybody?” Maybe and maybe not. Can you identify the elements that make up attitude? Most cannot.
You could ask one hundred different people on the street what attitude is and you would probably get as many different definitions.
In this episode I take a look at the elements that contribute to your attitude and how important it is to do a self assessment to be sure these elements are in alignment with what you desire to show up in your experience as an individual, a small business owner or in your corporate environment.
I will also discuss the effect your attitude has on your life and your emotional state.
Professionals and executives, I really invite you to take a deep dive with this and see how this plays out in your corporate environment. Your corporate attitude is your corporate culture. You must get to cause and identify the elements that are contributing to the energy your company exudes.
Listen in now if you truly want to attract the desires of your heart, personally and professionally and experience the life you would love to live.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Frequency – Vibration – Goal Achievement – Culture – Transformation
To make quantum leaps and experience intentional radical transformation for yourself, your small business or in your corporate environment, it all comes down to vibration and frequency. The bottom line is this; we live in a cause and effect universe. If you don’t like what has been showing up for you as your results and experience, you have to look at the cause that has produced the undesirable effect.
You may have heard that you must match the vibration of the thing you want and then the thing you want will be yours. This is true. It’s called vibrational alignment. But how do you do that? What exactly is the vibration of the thing you want and how do you match it?
This always puzzled me when I first started studying metaphysical principles decades ago and I knew it was something I had to really comprehend to get where I wanted to be.
In this episode I provide some illustrations to help you visualize what this is all about. This will help you begin to make your initial shift and help you develop momentum.
In the next episode we’ll look at ways to sustain the vibrational match and the corresponding emotional state necessary to move you from where you are to where you want to be. Don’t miss these episodes, listen now, you’ll be glad you did.
Don’t hesitate to reach out. I would love to help you, and / or your company with this.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International