Unplug – Breathe – Surrender
It’s time to unplug, disconnect, breathe, surrender, kick back, step away, get out, take in nature, beauty, peace and silence.
While this show is about personal, professional and leadership development, goal achievement, productivity and performance improvement; most importantly and first and foremost, it’s about YOU!
Over the last several episodes I have been pushing you to get a jump start on your goals for your life in the year ahead by inviting you to decide what your big dream is, your worthy ideal. It is my hope that you have been utilizing the wisdom shared here and have been working on your plan of action steps that will move you towards the life you would love to live.
It’s important to remember that you need to schedule into your day, your week, and your month, some time for self-care and pushing back. Put it in your planner! In this world of go, go, go and striving to be an overachiever, we often neglect to make time for ourselves to disconnect from the world around us and the buzz of technology.
Before you say “I can’t do that!” Realize you MUST do that if you want to continue to make progress and experience quantum leaps in the direction of your goals. We are often told to unplug the computer when it’s not working efficiently. It’s the same way with us. Step away at regular intervals. Take a day to do nothing.
This will re-energize and refresh you and you will return to your work as a goal achieving machine.
Don’t forget, this applies to all of you seeking personal and professional success in your business, your corporate space and in your private life.
Listen in now and begin at once.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA
Establishing Priorities and Imperative Tasks = Quantum Leap
Over the last several episodes I have shared some very valuable information to help you get a head start on what you want to achieve, personally and professionally, now and in the year ahead.
To make a quantum leap from where you are now to where you want to be, you must learn to do things in a certain way. This certain way is effective and efficient when it comes to improving your performance and productivity. By adopting these new habits you will have a foolproof formula for goal achievement.
In this episode I encourage you to establish priorities in several areas of your life. I also suggest you “chunk down” your big dream goals into bite size pieces working from the dream backwards.
What is it I want to accomplish next year? What would I have to accomplish every quarter to reach this goal? Every month? Every week? Every day? Every morning and afternoon? Breaking the goal down makes the tasks that it will take to achieve your goal manageable and doable. You will have a workable action plan.
This is all about planning your work and working your plan. Engaging in consistent and focused daily efforts and activities that are supportive of your worthy ideal will take you a long way, in fact, all the way to the life you would love to lead and the life you would love to live.
Listen in for a deeper dive and get started at once.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Leadership Goal Prep – Mission – Image – Affirmation – Vision
As you start to lay out your course of action, you always want to begin with your mission and vision. What does the big picture look like that is inclusive of all your desires personally and professionally. This is also true for those of you operating a small business or working as an integral element in a corporate environment.
This episode is about laying the groundwork by examining not only your attitude around performance and productivity, but also your attitude as it relates to your infinite potential.
While you should establish a very specific personal and professional big picture goal, you’ll want to start with your overall mission / purpose and vision statement. Also consider your values. When these pieces are put in place you can get to work on your goals, making sure they are in alignment with the mission / purpose / vision. Your goals should always support your vision and the life you would love to lead.
When you consider the life experience, personally and professionally, that you would love to lead, you must also consider your self image. Begin at once to imagine and build a new one if necessary, casting away any negative attitudes and all that is not supportive of your ultimate, ideal vision.
I’ll discuss the use of affirmations and visualization as well in this episode as I take a deeper dive into all of the above.
Listen in now and begin at once to deliberately design the life you would love to live.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Time Augmentation – Productive and Efficient Usage
How would you like to move in the equivalent of approximately twenty-two eight hour workdays into your year? That’s a little over four weeks! If you’re a business executive feel free to do a little math. What if your team of ten all did the same thing? That would add up to over forty-five weeks of productive work hours per year, almost another employee! How about your team of twenty, thirty or more!?
In the last episode I talked about starting now to develop your strategic plan after you identify, in six key areas, that which you desire to accomplish in the coming months and the coming new year. I talked about how to plan properly, efficiently, and in an orderly way, making sure you understood there is a certain way to make more effective use of your time.
A more efficient use of your time increases productivity period. If you are an individual working on personal goals and self-improvement, a small business owner growing your business, or if you’re in charge of a corporate team; productivity is the very foundation of success.
To accomplish more, to do better and become a better version of you, productivity is the key. If you want to make quantum leaps when it comes to goal achievement and experience personal and professional success and transformation, it all starts here.
Listen in now as I take a deeper dive into all of this.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
What’s the Plan? Start NOW!
Have you looked at the calendar lately? While I believe all these episodes are timeless and valid any time, any day, any year; as I got ready to record this one I realized that the fourth quarter of this current year is fast approaching.
Now usually I start asking you to consider what you want in the year ahead sometime closer to the end of the year. However, when it comes to personal, professional and corporate goal achievement, improving performance, productivity and leadership skills, the time is always right, right now.
If you want to be strategic about that which you desire to accomplish in the coming months and the coming new year, this is the time to not only plan, but to also learn how to plan properly, efficiently and in an orderly way.
There is a certain way to make more effective use of your time and it all begins with the strategic identification process in six key areas that I begin to outline in this episode.
Listen in now and stay tuned to all the upcoming episodes for all the tools you need to make quantum leaps in your progress.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International