Navigate Back to Center

When I use the Google maps app, from time to time I have to hit ‘re-center’ to remind the navigation application where I Am. In a previous post I shared the importance of getting back to love whenever we feel off center, move through contrast, crisis, old patterns of behavior and the consequences of inefficient choices in our lives. As we move back into what Love is, as we re-center ourselves in the Truth of our being – reminding ourselves where our ‘I Am’ is, as the power and presence of God within us; let us be sure to go all the way to center – unconditionally.
Whatever stimulus moved us off center needs to be released fully to get to what Love is in the Absolute. This means our movement in consciousness goes to Love’s center without conditions because Absolute Love is unconditional, as the Presence of Source within us.
We know we’re there when conditions are released, when others need do nothing to move us back, to fix anything, forgive us or say they’re sorry. When we see, know and own that we are our own responsibility we position ourselves to move mountains in our lives by reclaiming and standing firm in our Divine Brilliance and Divine Power.
Whatever the trigger, let it be a gift of self-growth by being mindful to notice what we’re noticing as we move ourselves back to the awareness of Love as our True center. Let us release without condition. If we allowed a person, place or circumstance to dim our light and dampen our spirit, let this movement to center be completely unconditional; absolving, releasing, and a dissolving of self as victim – holding nothing and no one else responsible.
Let our movement include a renunciation of any need to be right, anyone else to be wrong, a releasing of judgment of ourselves and others. Let our choice be Love, unconditionally. Let nothing leave us that has the potential to hurt to assure nothing returns to us that can harm.
Rise in Love and see how high you have moved, feel the new consciousness you have claimed simply by observing your movement back to center. That’s where you were all along, everything else was just a passing storm circling around you. You are Divine Brilliance expressing. You are Love and so Am I.
– Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.