Be – Do – Have – Getting Clarity

I’ve noticed that a lot of people talk about the concept of be, do and have but very few seem to understand it. In today’s episode I take a deep dive to help you get some clarity around this concept.

Order is important. You can’t mix these up and expect the same results. You also really have to spend some quality time and in depth time on ‘be.’ I feel the importance of this and the understanding of this is often overlooked so ego takes over.

This is about firmly rooting and grounding yourself in what you already authentically are, bringing it to the surface subjectively, then claiming it and living from it.

It’s so easy to skip over this first step. When you do you risk feeling like a victim, you may become overly judgmental and perhaps even develop so much attachment to a specific outcome that you end up actually pushing it away.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Manifestation Process IV – Faith and Belief

We’re moving along here with the process of making manifest all you wish to be, do and have in your life as I continue to share the Simple Five Step Manifestation Procedure.

Again, this is for individuals, small businesses, and corporations. This is the process for properly cooperating with the Laws of Infinite Potential. Remember, what you see in the world of form comes from what you do not see, we’re making manifest the invisible. That is, we are creating an image in our mind of what we desire to be, do and have and we are following a process, order, that moves our desire from non form to form.

Today we do a brief review then move into step four which is Belief and Faith. Just a reminder here, we do not have to know HOW our good will come to us. In fact, HOW is none of our business.

There is a Presence and Power at work here that is beyond our human comprehension. Believe, in every moment of the day, and have faith that this system will work for you as you stay committed to your vision, your dream, and the life you would love to live.

Listen in now!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International