As A Man Thinketh
If you don’t like what is showing up in your life, your business, your organization, and / or your corporation; I strongly recommend you listen to this episode and take action at once.
Most of us, on this positive path of personal, professional and leadership development, have heard it said in many different ways; our dominant thoughts create our reality.
In fact, the quote for today in my ‘My-Tyme Success Planner’ by Paul J. Meyer, the founder of Leadership Management International says this:
“You are where you are and what you are because of the thoughts that dominate your mind.”
And we read in James Allen’s book, As a Man Thinketh:
“As he / she thinks, so he / she is; as he / she continues to think, so he/ she remains. The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to be harmoniously related to their inner state. Men and women do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.”
So that clearly places the responsibility for the results that we experience on us. We have been conditioned to remain in the energy of the problem and the energy of the results we don’t like. We try to find solutions to move out of the hole by continuously focusing only on the hole.
There’s a better way. Understand how what is showing up in your life is directly related to your thoughts and you will have found the master key to experiencing all you desire to be, do and have; personally and professionally.
In this episode and the next few, we’ll take deeper dive into the classic work by James Allen; As a Man Thinketh.
Listen in now and let’s get started together!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA
Personal, Professional and Leadership Development
Thought: Your Choice – Your Experience – Your Results
You have so much power and your potential is unlimited and this is because YOU and only YOU get to choose the thoughts you think. Thoughts are things and thoughts are creative when wrapped with feeling and emotion.
You think a lot of thoughts each and every day but have you ever taken a step back for a few minutes and really moved into the awareness that you get to choose the thoughts you think? You also get to choose whether you want to continue where a particular thought may lead you. The choice is always yours and the thoughts you choose to think and feel create the experiences in your life and the results that are showing up for you; personally, professionally and in your organization too.
You live in a world coming at you at a hundred miles an hour from every direction. It’s so important to consider, perhaps again, that we live in a cause and effect universe and the cause of the effect, your experiences and your results, are the thoughts you are habitually thinking.
It’s time to live with an always on awareness of this so that you may intentionally and deliberately create the results and life experiences you truly desire.
Listen in now, to this episode, as I take you on a deep dive into thoughts.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA
Personal, Professional and Leadership Development
Moving Into the Vision – Part II – Energy, Emotion, Thoughts, Words, and Action
In the last episode I shared with you that you must MOVE INTO your vision. I explained that Moving In is essential. You must move into your objective as soon as you have clearly identified specifically what it is. This is so important because so many miss this point then don’t understand why their goals are not being realized.
Moving in is something you do in consciousness. Then you move in mentally, physically, and emotionally; this is imperative.
In this episode I speak about carrying this energy over into every thought, word and action and how this will impact and influence your subconscious mind. You are actually dialing into the frequency where the reality of your goals exist.
The desires of your heart are a pressing out of your very essence. This pressing out is your nature, your spirit, your soul, your character, all seeking greater expression. You can help it along by Moving In as soon as possible.
Matching the vibration of the life you would love to live, personally and professionally, is the most efficient way to make a quantum leap in the direction of all you desire to experience.
Click below to listen now and begin your move at once, into the life you would love to live!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA
Personal, Professional and Leadership Development
Your Extraordinary Creative Power
Through the scientific understanding of your creative power of thought, you can for certain, be, do and have anything you aspire to experience in your life. You must know that your capacity to think is infinite therefore your creative power has no limitations.
In this episode I share with you some ways you may sabotage your power to make manifest your big dream goals and how to avoid this trap and keep moving forward in the direction of your desires.
We’ll also explore three keys; knowledge of your own power, courage to step outside your comfort zone and establishing faith and belief in your ability to accomplish.
This is for individuals, small business owners and entrepreneurs, and anyone in a corporate environment; the law of infinite potential serves all alike.
Reach out, let’s have a conversation about your specific goals and dreams.
I want to also let you know that this will be the final episode of 2023 wrapping up my fifth year of doing this show. Thank you so much for listening and making The Genesis Frequency podcast a success, offering tremendous value in the personal, professional and leadership development space. I Am profoundly grateful to all of you.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna
The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-USA
The Master Key – Thought Power – Desired Results
In this episode I hope to take you away from the noise and the clutter of life and living. Away from the busyness, the texts, the emails, the news, and from the ceaseless onslaught of the world around you. It is easy for you to get extremely wrapped up in sorting through everything that is constantly coming at you.
It’s time you pushed back a bit and move into the realization that the life you would love to live will not come out of the turbulence, clatter, commotion and fireworks happening around and outside of you.
What is showing up for you can all be traced back to your dominant thoughts. What are you thinking? In this show I will guide you back into that quiet space of your own mind where you can begin the process of deliberate and intentional creation of desired experiences and desired results.
For you personally or professionally, this is about you becoming a leader of your own life, choosing to be in harmony with your passion, your purpose, your mission and your own vision. You have to start with your thoughts, Thoughts are first cause and responsible for the effect, the outcome you experience.
You have tremendous power and it’s found in choosing the thoughts you think
Listen now, take action, and apply this in your life. You’ll be glad you did.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA