Moving Into the Vision – Part II – Energy, Emotion, Thoughts, Words, and Action

In the last episode I shared with you that you must MOVE INTO your vision. I explained that Moving In is essential. You must move into your objective as soon as you have clearly identified specifically what it is. This is so important because so many miss this point then don’t understand why their goals are not being realized.

Moving in is something you do in consciousness. Then you move in mentally, physically, and emotionally; this is imperative.

In this episode I speak about carrying this energy over into every thought, word and action and how this will impact and influence your subconscious mind. You are actually dialing into the frequency where the reality of your goals exist.

The desires of your heart are a pressing out of your very essence. This pressing out is your nature, your spirit, your soul, your character, all seeking greater expression. You can help it along by Moving In as soon as possible.

Matching the vibration of the life you would love to live, personally and professionally, is the most efficient way to make a quantum leap in the direction of all you desire to experience.

Click below to listen now and begin your move at once, into the life you would love to live!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

The Vault: Your Connecting Point to Infinite Wisdom and Guidance

I hope you enjoyed last week’s “Fresh Start” episode. There is no time like the present to create a new beginning. I shared some ideas to help you jump start your journey toward the life you would love to live personally and professionally. I also spoke about how this applies to personal and professional leadership development that contributes to productivity and performance improvement within your corporate structure thereby enhancing your company’s culture.

If you haven’t already, go back and listen to last week’s episode. If you are still struggling or feeling a little stuck about moving forward or identifying your goals to make your new start, listen to this episode immediately.

There is a place you can go right now for the answers you may be searching for. This ‘Vault’ I’m referring to contains all the wisdom, inspiration and guidance you’ll ever need in order to discern and intuit your next step.

This is where most people and companies stumble. They never access ‘The Vault.’ They never even go up to the door and knock. Most will allow the habitual behavior and the inner programming to once again take over all of their thoughts, words and actions. When they allow this to happen, they will most certainly find themselves in the same place they are now; even twelve months, three years or more, from right now.

Don’t let this be you! Make a new choice today. Decide right now to absolutely refuse to allow another year to go by without having experienced any growth or the realization of your most outrageous dreams.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Achieving Whole Life Success and Prosperity

In this episode I revisit the total person concept and the holistic approach to whole life goal achievement. I offer a unique way to discern what is yours to do in six critical areas of life and living.

To experience whole life success and prosperity, personally and professionally, you have to first evaluate each of these specific areas of your life. You will need to pay close attention to any longing and discontent that you may be feeling, Often these feelings may be lingering just below the surface in one or more areas.

As I move through these areas in this episode, I offer something a little bit different. Rather than simply deciding what’s missing and setting a goal for its achievement, I invite you to consider ways you might contribute in each of these areas.

It is in giving that we receive which is also a key to success in servant leadership. In order to have you must consider how you are showing up, what are you ‘being’, how do you define the life you are leading and living in these areas?

It all starts with thought. Schedule some time to consider your thoughts around all of this. Write your thoughts down on paper. Engage your imagination and begin at once to deliberately design the next new and improved version of you. Your future self will be glad you did this now.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-USA

From Stuck to Manifestation Acceleration

This show is about helping you to make a quantum leap from where you are now to where you want to be; the realization of your greatest vision for your life, personally and professionally.

Of course the first step is getting started by deciding what it is you want by identifying your dreams and desires for you personally and / or your objectives professionally for your small business or on your corporate teams. I have found that even this step is difficult for most people. They get stuck on the ‘how’? They get stuck by not giving themselves permission to dream big enough and the list goes on. Then even if they do decide on the one big dream goal they are going to pursue, there comes a few roadblocks where almost everyone gets stuck.

If you are aware of these stoppers at the beginning of your quest you can identify them when you are stuck then get to work on the solutions to move you along your way and into your quantum leap.

In this episode I help you to identify where you might be stuck. We’ll take a deeper dive in the next few episodes too, working on solutions. For now, listen in and get out of that funk quickly whenever these stoppers show up that keep you stuck.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Spiritual Power Tools for Personal and Professional Development III

Within the last few episodes I began discussing your powerful, intangible assets or Super Powers and the simple process to help you become aware of them, develop them, and integrate them into your own character. In this episode we continue looking at each one individually and then how they work together with other assets. We’ll continue throughout the next few episodes so that we can explore them all.

The first step is the realization that all of these assets I’m speaking about are inherent within all of us including you. Intentionally exercising these innate faculties or ‘super powers’ will help you to brush away all the habitual thoughts, words and actions that are not supportive of the ideal you seek to move into your field of experience.

This is part of doing things in a certain way so that you successfully align with the frequency of your ideal life. Once you establish an always on awareness of your indwelling super powers, you will realize how powerful you are to deliberately create the YOU that begins living the life you would love to live.

Remember, you want to focus on what you are being in order to do and have all that you desire. These intangible faculties of mind and spirit are really your own personal power tools that become stronger as you work them into your own affirmative statements.

We’ll continue to look at all of them over the next few episodes so listen in now to gain more clarity and start using them today.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International