The Master Key to Your Infinite Potential
In this episode I take you back into your own mind and offer you the key to everything you have ever wanted to experience in your life, in your business and in your corporate environment.
It’s time for you to find your go to place where you will find, infinite power, infinite wisdom and infinite intelligence and everything else you need to create the results you truly desire. It is from this place you may finally move into the realization of the life you would love to live, personally and professionally.
This episode continues to guide you in the process of the deliberate and intentional creation of your desired experiences and desired results.
For you personally or professionally, this is about you becoming a leader of your own life, choosing to be in harmony with your passion, your purpose, your mission and your own vision.
You have tremendous power and potential and it’s about time you tap into it.
Listen now, take action, and apply this in your life. You’ll be glad you did.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA
Infinite Potentiality – Unconditioned Source Energy
In this episode I pick up where I left off a couple episodes back in my podcast entry titled; ‘The Field of Infinite Potential – Unconditioned Energy.’ In this piece I hope to offer more clarity around this state of awareness. You’ll hear about your own personal doorway to a place in consciousness where all things are possible.
This is the field of infinite, pure potentiality from which all things have proceeded. I want to help make you aware of the reality of this pure, raw, unconditioned field so that you eventually develop an always on awareness of this Unconditioned Source Energy. When you do, you will realize this is your essence, and you have been given the power, being of it, to mold and shape it intentionally and deliberately.
I often tell you that you can be, do and have it all; the desires of your heart, personally and professionally, and this is true. In this episode I continue to lead you into this field from which all things have come.
You must rise higher in conscious awareness of this field of infinite potential. When you consciously move to an awareness of Unconditioned Source Energy you’ll realize you are the creator of your experiences, that nothing is withheld from you, and that you are the creator of your conditions – desirable or undesirable – including any false limitations you may be placing on yourself.
Isn’t it time you satisfy any longing and discontent you may have been experiencing by living your worthy, ideal life? It IS time to move into the greatest, grandest version of you, it’s time to move from a consciousness of impossible to possible and it all starts here.
Listen in now and begin to experience your own radical transformation.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
The Field of Infinite Potential – Unconditioned Energy
In this episode I take you to a place in consciousness where all things are possible. This is the field of infinite pure potentiality from which all things have proceeded. In this episode it is my desire to help you move into an always on awareness of Unconditioned Source Energy.
I often tell you that you can be, do and have it all; the desires of your heart, personally and professionally, and this is true. What I have not done up until this point is lead you into the this field from which all things have come.
You must rise higher in conscious awareness of this field of infinite potential. When you consciously move to an awareness of Unconditioned Source Energy you’ll realize you are the creator of your experiences, that nothing is withheld from you, and that you are the creator of your conditions – desirable or undesirable – including any false limitations you may be placing on yourself.
Isn’t it time you satisfy any longing and discontent you may have been experiencing by living your worthy, ideal life? It IS time to move into the greatest, grandest version of you and it all starts here.
Listen in now to begin your quantum leap.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Living From the Infinite – YOU Are Unlimited
Consider that all the stars, all the planets and every galaxy that can be seen today make up just four percent of the entire universe. The other ninety-six percent is made of substance scientists and astronomers can’t see, detect or even comprehend.
Yes, our visible world is only 4% of the total electromagnetic spectrum—96% is invisible. It exists in waves of energy. Think about that—what you see is only 4% of all that actually exists!
You don’t have to play small, look what you’ve done with only the 4% that is visible, measurable and quantifiable! And most of us are probably only aware of a fraction of that 4%! And that’s just from our limited human perspective.
I invite you to set an intention to become aware of, engage with, connect with, and access the higher realms of the Infinite available to you, within you, and that ACTUALLY…. you are made of! YOU are unlimited!
Infinite Potential – Infinite Wisdom – Infinite Abundance – Infinite Intelligence – Infinite Power – Infinite and Eternal Life – Infinite Support and Guidance – Infinite Joy
And Infinitely More…
Listen in now as I take you on a deeper dive into the infinitely spectacular YOU!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Desire: Identification to Implementation
Today’s episode is all about ‘IN’. Let me explain. We kicked off this new season in the last episode asking the question “What will it be?” or “What are you having?” “Are you ready to place your order?” Which are all questions we hear often as we go about life and living as a patron at stores, restaurants, bars and coffee shops.
If we want to receive what it is we want, we have to identify what we want and communicate what we want to our server in order to receive and experience our selection.
It works the same way when we’re dealing with the infinite and the desires of our heart. In the last episode we talked about identification. This episode is about implementing our intention and moving forward. It’s so important to do this work within. Listening to the inner voice of inspiration, listening to intuition, listening from that center of individuality and infinite intelligence. Look over this write up and notice how many words contain ‘in’. That’s where it all starts and that’s where we place our order. It’s time to go within.
Listen in now for details!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International