Transformation: Above and Beyond Your Story

Your seat of power, the power to transform your life, your business and even your company, resides within you. Your mind is your greatest asset and the thoughts you think are either the genesis fo what you want to move into your life or the reason that you habitually experience negative conditions, situations, circumstances and events.

In today’s episode I explore the foundation of personal and professional transformation and the proper way to establish it. Just a hint; it doesn’t come from a focus on the results you want to change, it doesn’t come from wallowing around in the puddle of what you don’t want either, yet so many people, even leaders, do just that.

We want to apprehend the wisdom gained from our stories and past experiences but move on from the bondage that keeps so many of us attached to our stories making it impossible to move forward and truly transform our lives.

Today we begin by looking in the right place in the right way. Today we move into the realization of the seat of power we all have right where we are.

Click below to listen now.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

Your Extraordinary Creative Power

Through the scientific understanding of your creative power of thought, you can for certain, be, do and have anything you aspire to experience in your life. You must know that your capacity to think is infinite therefore your creative power has no limitations.

In this episode I share with you some ways you may sabotage your power to make manifest your big dream goals and how to avoid this trap and keep moving forward in the direction of your desires.

We’ll also explore three keys; knowledge of your own power, courage to step outside your comfort zone and establishing faith and belief in your ability to accomplish.

This is for individuals, small business owners and entrepreneurs, and anyone in a corporate environment; the law of infinite potential serves all alike.

Reach out, let’s have a conversation about your specific goals and dreams.

I want to also let you know that this will be the final episode of 2023 wrapping up my fifth year of doing this show. Thank you so much for listening and making The Genesis Frequency podcast a success, offering tremendous value in the personal, professional and leadership development space. I Am profoundly grateful to all of you.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-USA

The Master Key – Thought Power – Desired Results

In this episode I hope to take you away from the noise and the clutter of life and living. Away from the busyness, the texts, the emails, the news, and from the ceaseless onslaught of the world around you. It is easy for you to get extremely wrapped up in sorting through everything that is constantly coming at you.

It’s time you pushed back a bit and move into the realization that the life you would love to live will not come out of the turbulence, clatter, commotion and fireworks happening around and outside of you.

What is showing up for you can all be traced back to your dominant thoughts. What are you thinking? In this show I will guide you back into that quiet space of your own mind where you can begin the process of deliberate and intentional creation of desired experiences and desired results.

For you personally or professionally, this is about you becoming a leader of your own life, choosing to be in harmony with your passion, your purpose, your mission and your own vision. You have to start with your thoughts, Thoughts are first cause and responsible for the effect, the outcome you experience.

You have tremendous power and it’s found in choosing the thoughts you think

Listen now, take action, and apply this in your life. You’ll be glad you did.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Achieving Whole Life Success and Prosperity

In this episode I revisit the total person concept and the holistic approach to whole life goal achievement. I offer a unique way to discern what is yours to do in six critical areas of life and living.

To experience whole life success and prosperity, personally and professionally, you have to first evaluate each of these specific areas of your life. You will need to pay close attention to any longing and discontent that you may be feeling, Often these feelings may be lingering just below the surface in one or more areas.

As I move through these areas in this episode, I offer something a little bit different. Rather than simply deciding what’s missing and setting a goal for its achievement, I invite you to consider ways you might contribute in each of these areas.

It is in giving that we receive which is also a key to success in servant leadership. In order to have you must consider how you are showing up, what are you ‘being’, how do you define the life you are leading and living in these areas?

It all starts with thought. Schedule some time to consider your thoughts around all of this. Write your thoughts down on paper. Engage your imagination and begin at once to deliberately design the next new and improved version of you. Your future self will be glad you did this now.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-USA

Metaphysics of Manifestation II – Mind – Thinker – Thought

In this episode I go deeper into the nature and origin of everything that shows up as our reality and experience. In the preceding episodes, I began discussing the field and laws of infinite potential and your own personal doorway to a place in consciousness where all things are possible. I began the discussion by talking about unconditioned source energy.

In the last episode we looked at the metaphysical definitions of energy, power and thought and their relationship to each other. In this episode, we take a closer look at thoughts and their source as a product of thinking. Then we go just back of that by examining mortal mind and Universal Mind.

We will continue this deep dive moving forward in the next few episodes to help you make the connection to your Source of power to help you make manifest the life and conditions you would love to live and experience.

For now it’s about awareness, contemplation, reflection and pondering your infinite potential and the unlimited energy and power that not only is available to you, but the energy and power station you are.

Once you move to a place of clarity around all of this, you’ll be able to greatly influence what is showing up for you and begin to finally attract the results you want and the desires of your heart, tangible and intangible. And make no mistake, this applies to individuals, small business owners and those of you in a corporate environment as well.

Listen in now to continue your transformation.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International