Going Deeper into the Be in Be – Do – Have

In the last episode I brought out the concept of ‘be – do – have’ again and hopefully I brought you some clarity around this. Be – Do – Have is talked about quite a bit in coaching and mentoring circles. Some of the information out there is great but I feel a lot of the information is either incomplete or lacks effective communication that brings the student a solid understanding of this topic.

In this episode I spend more time on the ‘Be’ part of the equation and hopefully I communicate well the critical importance of this step in the process developing your potential. You must get this step right in order to move forward effectively in the direction of your dreams, goals and objectives; your be-coming

Listen in now and go deeper.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International