Developing Desire and Passion – Step 4

Learning how to develop desire and passion, in yourself and others, is a unique leadership skill that is essential for your desired growth.

Desire and passion are necessary elements in the pursuit of worthy ideals especially when it comes to making those quantum leaps in the direction of all you desire to experience personally and professionally.

In the book “The 5 Pillars of Leadership; How to Bridge the Leadership Gap” by Paul J. Meyer, founder of Leadership Management International and Rand Slechta, LMI’s current CEO, we find this insight:

“The desire and passion with which you and your team members face a challenge is an essential part of the soul of your organization. Without it, you and your team lack spiritual guidance and creative expression. Without desire and passion, there is no intuition; missing is the still small voice within you to provide insight into both situations and people. Without desire and passion, all of your talents and abilities tend to lie fallow and unresponsive; your potential is hidden, buried and dormant.”

In the last episode I explored step three, this episode focuses on step four, visualization. I suggest going back and listening to the last few episodes. I will discuss step five in the next episode which will wrap up this series..

So please join me as I take a deep dive into all five steps to developing desire and passion as shared by these two brilliant authors in this spectacular book. I highly recommend you get your own copy.

Set the intention now to no longer allow your infinite potential to remain hidden, buried and dormant. Commit to not only listening to this podcast but also applying the wisdom shared to your unique situation and taking action based on what you take away from these episodes.

Click below to listen and get started now.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Leadership Goal Prep – Mission – Image – Affirmation – Vision

As you start to lay out your course of action, you always want to begin with your mission and vision. What does the big picture look like that is inclusive of all your desires personally and professionally. This is also true for those of you operating a small business or working as an integral element in a corporate environment.

This episode is about laying the groundwork by examining not only your attitude around performance and productivity, but also your attitude as it relates to your infinite potential.

While you should establish a very specific personal and professional big picture goal, you’ll want to start with your overall mission / purpose and vision statement. Also consider your values. When these pieces are put in place you can get to work on your goals, making sure they are in alignment with the mission / purpose / vision. Your goals should always support your vision and the life you would love to lead.

When you consider the life experience, personally and professionally, that you would love to lead, you must also consider your self image. Begin at once to imagine and build a new one if necessary, casting away any negative attitudes and all that is not supportive of your ultimate, ideal vision.

I’ll discuss the use of affirmations and visualization as well in this episode as I take a deeper dive into all of the above.

Listen in now and begin at once to deliberately design the life you would love to live.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Visualization + Assumption = Manifestation

In this episode I continue with the initial steps necessary for you to ‘build out’ the life you would love to live in 2023. I encourage you to listen again to the previous three episodes as this is turning into another mini-series that will guide you to all you want to be, do, and have in your life.

Together we have moved through specific instructions to help you discover the certain way to experience quantum leaps when it comes to personal and professional goal achievement and radical transformation.

Don’t let time slip away and allow this new year to become another year just like the last one. It’s time to take charge of what’s going on within you so you experience the results that are showing up, the results you really want, in the world about you.

Listen in now and get started right now if you haven’t already.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International

Envisaging II – The Certain Way

In last week’s episode I started to outline the process of a ‘certain way’ that we impress the energy we are immersed in. This certain way that we impress energy considers all the elements of mind and the way we are wired, so that we are more effective when we deliberately ask for whatever it is we want to experience in our lives, personally and professionally.

Be sure to listen to last week’s episode as this one picks up where the last one left off.

Know that there is a certain way to create the life you would love to live. There is a certain way to create more and more success in your life. There is a certain way to create the life you have perhaps only dreamed of living. Yes, there is a certain way you can indeed, be, do and have it ALL.

If you have had enough of getting stuck, if you really want to take your life experience to the next level and move into the desires of your heart, personally and professionally; then take this deep dive with me by listening in now.

Stay with this process and come back each week as I take you by the hand and guide you deeper into Universal Transcendent Mind, and the certain way of tapping into the energy responsible for all creation.

This radical transformation and quantum leap goal achievement information is for individuals, small business owners and those of you in the corporate environment.

Wherever you may be on your path, you must learn this certain way in order to experience your greatest vision for your most ideal life, whatever that may be.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Envisaging – Contemplation and the Inner Secret Room

In this episode I begin a deep dive into a creative practice that has been around since the beginning of time, actually even before that. There is a certain way to create the life you would love to live. There is a certain way to create more and more success in your life. There is a certain way to create the life you have perhaps only dreamed of living. Yes, there is a certain way you can indeed, be, do and have it ALL.

If you have had enough of getting stuck, if you really want to take your life experience to the next level and move into the desires of your heart, personally and professionally; then take this deep dive with me by listening in now.

Stay with this process and come back each week as I take you by the hand and guide you deeper into Universal Transcendent Mind, and the certain way of tapping into the energy responsible for all creation.

This radical transformation and quantum leap goal achievement information is for individuals, small business owners and those of you in the corporate environment.

Wherever you may be on your path, you must learn this certain way in order to experience your greatest vision for your most ideal life, whatever that may be.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International