Paradigm Purge III – Mind: Installing Success Programming

Over the last two episodes you have learned exactly what a paradigm is and how it operates as a behind the scenes program directing your habitual behaviour, your habitual thoughts, words and actions. Behaviour is a secondary cause for what is showing up as your results; personally and professionally.

Back of behavior, you will find paradigms, positive and negative paradigms, and they are the root cause for the effect you experience as your results.

I’ve established that just knowing what a paradigm is and identifying a few of your own, is not enough to change anything. This is only ‘identifying the suspect’ so to speak, moving the perhaps hidden paradigm into the light. Once you are aware of them through the exercises I gave in the last episode, you can go about changing them.

What we are really doing is installing new programming. This is a process of find and replace. You must delete the old program so it no longer has any control of the way you function. With this being understood, you can now install programming that assures your success. Programming that is in alignment with all you desire to be, do and have.

Listen to this episode now to learn more about installing your own success assurance program. You’ll be glad you did!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

Denials II: Disabling Your Negative Programming

In this episode I wrap up the discussion I started last week around denials and the important role they play when it comes to making a quantum leap from where you are now to where you want to be and what you want to experience in your personal and professional life.

Think of it this way. You are operating from an internal program that may or may not be up to date. Chances are it has some errors lingering within it that are based on information that is not only inaccurate but also not true for you.

This internal programming is installed in your subconscious mind so you have to go about the updating of the program in a certain way so that it is in alignment with the goals, dreams, and desires you want to move into your life.

Just like a computer operating system, you’ll want to maintain your internal operating system by making sure you delete any and all corrupt files. Another name for these internal corrupt files which make up your programming is error thoughts. Error thoughts are based on beliefs that have no foundation in truth.

In the personal, professional and leadership development space you have probably heard much about positive affirmations. However, one thing that is often ignored is the inner work that goes along with remaining in the energy of our affirmative statements.

On the flip side of affirmations we find denials. Denials are used to reject the error thoughts that tend to die hard when we are working affirmatively to install our new success programming through positive affirmative statements and thoughts.

Using denials properly is another element of the “Certain Way” of effectively and efficiently working with the laws of infinite potential to make quantum leaps toward your personal and professional goals.

Listen to my wrap up on this subject in this episode and you’ll gain another powerful tool to assist you in living the life you would love to live!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Denying Power to Your Error Thoughts

When you begin installing your new success program, that I discussed with you in last week’s episode, you’ll want to make sure you delete any and all corrupt files. Of course I am talking about corrupt files within your own consciousness.

Another name for these internal corrupt files which make up your programming is error thoughts. Error thoughts are based on beliefs that have no foundation in truth.

In the personal, professional and leadership development space you have probably heard much about positive affirmations. I speak about the proper use of affirmations quite often here as well. However, one thing that is often ignored is the inner work that goes along with remaining in the energy of our affirmative statements.

On the flip side of affirmations we find denials. Denials are used to reject the error thoughts that tend to die hard when we are working affirmatively to install our new success programming through positive affirmative statements and thoughts.

Using denials properly is another element of the “Certain Way” of effectively and efficiently working with the laws of infinite potential to make quantum leaps toward your personal and professional goals. This is a process of consistently denying power to all your thinking that is rooted and grounded in falsehood and delusion.

Denials act like an eraser when used properly and help you to gently move into the truth of your infinite potential and the limitless possibilities available for your life experience.

A great place to start with all this is right here, listening to this episode. In this entry, I take a deeper dive into the proper use of denials when it comes to your success and achievement along with your performance and productivity improvement.

Click below to listen now and begin at once.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Installing Your New Success Program

Now is the time to install your new success programming. If you have listened to the last several episodes and you have taken action by clearly defining your personal and professional goals you are looking to achieve over the next several months, then you have to begin the programming process.

I get the to this step with individuals and groups and I often get puzzled looks. Someone always asks something like, “You mean we can really install a program that assures our success?” My answer is yes, in fact not only can you do this, you must do this so you have a mechanism in place letting you know when you need to course correct.

This is another element of the “Certain Way” of effectively and efficiently working with the laws of infinite potential to make quantum leaps toward your personal and professional goals. This is an internal installation process that cannot be skipped.

What’s really important to know is this: if you do not install new success programming that is supportive of all you desire to be, do and have, you will be operating from old, internal, outdated programming that guarantees you the same old undesirable results you have always experienced. You don’t want that do you?

Let’s get you updated now. Listen to this episode to get started

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Identifying Your Paradigms and Internal Programming

“To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgement is to put yourself at significant risk when exploring the future. To be able to shape your future you have to be ready and able to change your paradigm.” – Joel Barker

Your paradigms are responsible for your habitual behavior and almost all of your behavior is habitual. It is this habitual behavior that yields the life you are currently living. If you want to move into a greater experience of life and living, along with the realization of your most outrageous dreams and desires, you must first understand what paradigms are then get to work on identifying yours.

In the corporate environment we call these paradigms culture and corporate attitude. If you want to experience any significant change and quantum leap movement in the direction of your goals, personally and professionally, you must absolutely be about the business of identifying your conscious and subconscious paradigms; often referred to as internal programming.

This is by far the biggest stumbling block for most people and most companies. Not because paradigms can’t be changed, but because they are overlooked and not given much thought. However, they remain in control of what is showing up as results. If you want something different, an experience of the life you would love to live, you must get to work on paradigms.

This is the next step you must take after identifying what it is you really want, personally and professionally. Listen in to this episode for a deeper dive into all of this as we take this necessary step together.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International