Paradigm Purging – Imperative for Success and Goal Achievement

You can’t ignore this part of the goal achievement process or you will end up stuck in the same place you have always been. This goes for individuals pursuing their dreams, small business owners seeking growth, and the corporate team seeking to improve performance and productivity while also influencing corporate culture.

There is absolutely no way around this step, yet ironically, most individuals and companies place little or no emphasis on paradigm identification and alteration which is always the root cause of the undesirable results (effect.)

I will spend a few episodes on this topic. In this episode, I will help you to really understand what a paradigm is and why it is imperative that you do this work if you really want to experience success and the realization of all your goals and dreams.

Included in this episode is an exercise you can begin at once to help you identify, personal, professional and corporate paradigms.

Listen in now rather than moving on to unproductive activity that no longer serves you. This is a step you must take.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

Identifying Your Paradigms and Internal Programming

“To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgement is to put yourself at significant risk when exploring the future. To be able to shape your future you have to be ready and able to change your paradigm.” – Joel Barker

Your paradigms are responsible for your habitual behavior and almost all of your behavior is habitual. It is this habitual behavior that yields the life you are currently living. If you want to move into a greater experience of life and living, along with the realization of your most outrageous dreams and desires, you must first understand what paradigms are then get to work on identifying yours.

In the corporate environment we call these paradigms culture and corporate attitude. If you want to experience any significant change and quantum leap movement in the direction of your goals, personally and professionally, you must absolutely be about the business of identifying your conscious and subconscious paradigms; often referred to as internal programming.

This is by far the biggest stumbling block for most people and most companies. Not because paradigms can’t be changed, but because they are overlooked and not given much thought. However, they remain in control of what is showing up as results. If you want something different, an experience of the life you would love to live, you must get to work on paradigms.

This is the next step you must take after identifying what it is you really want, personally and professionally. Listen in to this episode for a deeper dive into all of this as we take this necessary step together.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

The Gap Between Knowing and Doing

Have you ever considered the difference between what you do on a day to day basis and what you actually know? The majority of us rarely do all that we know how to do. In our society, a very strong emphasis has always been placed on knowledge. You were encouraged to go to school, study the material, then if you could remember enough of what you studied; you might pass a test then eventually receive a certificate or a degree that states you now have knowledge within your field of study.

But do you do what you know or do you often ask yourself, ‘Why the heck did I do that? I know better!” This is a behavioral  trap we all get entangled in because no matter how much knowledge we may have, our paradigms are always in control and may not be supportive of the life we would love to live.

We must understand these paradigms which are really our subconscious programming. Once we understand what they are and how they are always at work, we must go about the business of identifying our own controlling paradigms, even the ones that are not readily apparent and buried deep within our subconscious mind.

In this episode, I go to work helping you to understand exactly what paradigms are. In the next episode I will take a look at how we change them to be supportive. This can only happen in a certain way so it would serve you well to listen to all these episodes moving forward to help you set up your best new year ever which will be here before we know it!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Paradigm Purge – Getting Unstuck

In my episode last week I invited you to do an evaluation of where you are in relation to the objectives, intentions, goals and dreams you set for yourself and / or your company at the beginning of this year. We marked the halfway point in this year several days ago which is a great place to do a check up before the year gets away from us and spirals out of control.

What did you come up with? Did you do this? Did you set and commit to specific intentions at the beginning of this year or recently? Where are you? Share your wins in the comments section if you have them. If you don’t and you feel stuck, it would serve you well to listen to this episode as I explore where most of us, if not all of us, get stuck.

There are some things you can do to get unstuck and it starts with purging the old paradigms and programming that keeps you on the receiving end of the same old results over and over again.

Take the first step to get out of the results you don’t want by listening in now.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Goals and Dreams – Six Month Check Up

Here we are at the halfway point of the year. This is a great time to take a look at the results that you have created for yourself personally and professionally. If you have been listening to this show for awhile and have applied what I have been sharing, then you most likely set some pretty outrageous dreams and goals for yourself and / or your company.

Are you still on track? Are you happy with where you are now? Or, did you fall back into the same old limiting habits and practices that have always kept you stuck? Celebrate your wins if you have them but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t. Just doing a honest evaluation at this point can be a big win if you take the proper steps to course correct.

Be sure to listen to this entire episode for some simple instructions. Then share your wins or get in touch with me so I can help you uncover those often hidden self-limiting paradigms. Remember, your paradigms are the internal programming that keeps you distanced from the results you truly desire; for yourself personally, within your small business or in your corporate environment.

The time to adjust, make a change, set a new intention and make the commitment to the new vision is now.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International