Holiday Break / Best of Episodes – The Frequency of Positive Expectancy

Maintaining a state of positive expectancy is a necessary element within the scope of doing things in a ‘Certain Way’ to make manifest the desires of your heart, personally and professionally. The frequency you establish by sustaining a state of positive expectancy is extremely attractive to your goals and aspirations.

William James, the Founder of American Psychology and author of the book “As a Man Thinketh” said: “The one thing that will guarantee the successful conclusion of a doubtful undertaking is faith in the beginning that you can do it.”

To make it more personal he also said it this way. I suggest you write this down and carry it with you, keep it with your written goals too: “Your belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that assures the successful outcome of any venture.”

Positive expectancy is synonymous with faith and belief and it’s important to remember its place when it comes to the law of cause and effect. Cause produces an effect. When it comes to expectancy, faith and belief, it’s important to remember the polar opposite state of positive expectancy, which is a negative state, may drawn in undesirable results.

Ask yourself where you are in all of this. Begin your quest by doing things in a ‘Certain Way.’ Establish your frequency now as you make a fresh start. Listen in to this episode as I take a deeper dive into all of this in an effort to keep you in alignment with the ‘Certain Way.’ This will assure you make quantum leaps when it comes to your personal, professional and leadership development and goal achievement.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast – Success Ocean International – LMI-WORLD

Paradigm Purge III – Mind: Installing Success Programming

Over the last two episodes you have learned exactly what a paradigm is and how it operates as a behind the scenes program directing your habitual behaviour, your habitual thoughts, words and actions. Behaviour is a secondary cause for what is showing up as your results; personally and professionally.

Back of behavior, you will find paradigms, positive and negative paradigms, and they are the root cause for the effect you experience as your results.

I’ve established that just knowing what a paradigm is and identifying a few of your own, is not enough to change anything. This is only ‘identifying the suspect’ so to speak, moving the perhaps hidden paradigm into the light. Once you are aware of them through the exercises I gave in the last episode, you can go about changing them.

What we are really doing is installing new programming. This is a process of find and replace. You must delete the old program so it no longer has any control of the way you function. With this being understood, you can now install programming that assures your success. Programming that is in alignment with all you desire to be, do and have.

Listen to this episode now to learn more about installing your own success assurance program. You’ll be glad you did!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development