The Manifestation Process II – The Right Way and The Write Way
We’re moving along here with the process of making manifest all you wish to be, do and have in your life as I share my Simple Five Step Manifestation Procedure. Be sure to go back a few episodes and do the necessary work that I spoke of in the episode titled Introduction to Manifestation.
In fact, if you’re new to this show or if you missed a few episodes you may want to go back and listen to the last episode in December titled; “Where Are you Now and Where Do You Want to Be in the Year Ahead?”
This process is transformative and life changing. If you’re tired of the same old stuff always showing up in your life and you’re ready to satisfy that inner longing and discontent you perhaps feel, then this podcast will help you learn to deliberately do things in a certain way that will bring you the results you really want to experience.
Listen in now to begin your quantum leap!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
The Manifestation Process I – Commitment
I’ve been sharing over the last few episodes how we prepare ourselves to move into the manifestation process. If you’re a new listener I invite you to go back a few episodes rather than starting right here with this episode. We have already moved through some identification work and preparatory work in the previous episodes that is absolutely necessary to experience success with this process.
I want to also stress that doing things in this certain way applies to the individual, the small business owner and to all those at every level within a corporate environment. Law is law and working intentionally and in harmony with these laws of infinite potential, will accelerate the realization of your most extravagant dreams.
Listen in now as we take a deeper dive into this process.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Manifestation Preparation – Enthusiasm and Emotional State
In the last two episodes I’ve been talking about setting our intentions for the year ahead. This has been our basic training to get to exactly what it is that we would love to create in our life experience that would satisfy any longing and discontent we may feel at the deepest levels of our being.
We’ve explored how to dust off and deliberately use our imagination to support this initial discovery process. In today’s episode I share one final necessary ingredient we need to have on hand before we go deeper into the manifestation mechanics.
This is the golden key that will jump start your effectiveness and help you to make quantum leaps when it comes to moving into the life you would love to live.
Listen in now.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency / Success Ocean International
Introduction to Manifestation
Living the life you would love to live and satisfying any longing and discontent that may be lingering deep within you, begins with an understanding of the laws of infinite potential.
There is a process we can become engaged with; a certain way of living, thinking, being and doing, that will always result in the manifestation of the desires of our heart.
The beginning of a new year, or simply recognizing any day as the first day of the rest of your life, is always a great place to start the process of learning to live your dream.
In this episode we begin to explore this certain way, this process, we can all learn and participate in that will quickly move us into the life and business success we are all eager to experience.
Listen in now as we begin our deep dive into the five step manifestation procedure.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Where Are you Now and Where Do You Want to Be in the Year Ahead?
This is a great time of year to make an appointment with yourself and commit to doing a real honest review with yourself. Take a look at the last two or three years of your life and step back. Do an honest assessment of where you are now compared to where you were twelve months and twenty-four months ago.
Has there been any growth? Have you seen your wildest dreams come true, personally and professionally? In your business and / or in your corporate life? In your health and physical fitness? In your relationships? In your finances? How about when it comes to time and money freedom? What you want for you? In what you would love to be, do, have and experience in your life? Are you truly, really and truly, living the life you would love to live, the life that up until now you have only dreamt about?
Reading books, listening to podcasts, getting a coach, enrolling in program after program is most often NOT what is missing if you have not yet realized your personal and professional goals.
In my work with individuals on their own personal development or when I work with small business owners or corporate teams and professionals, it comes down to understanding followed by appropriate action.
In this episode I go into depth about what exactly needs to be understood. Get these pieces right, through understanding and discovery, then make adjustments; and you will very quickly move way out in front of the herd holding the keys to the realization of your most extraordinary vision for your life and living.
Set your intention now for the upcoming year. Commit to doing this personal and professional evaluation. And most of all, don’t buy into all your excuses for staying stuck right where you always seem to be.
Listen in now and begin at once to move in the direction of your dreams.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International