Influencing Creative Energy – Words to Live By – Part Two

Last week I shared that in my quiet time, I always ask to be open to wisdom, inspiration and guidance to lead me along my way. I also shared that I do that for this podcast as well so that I may successfully offer you, the listener, content to support you and your desire to experience success and prosperity in every area of your life.

When I was considering the direction I wanted to take you within the last episode, I was inspired to simply look around me. Here in my studio office I am surrounded by the energy of many, many personal, professional, spiritual and leadership development books, hundreds actually.

Then, I looked around at my bulletin board and the wall in front of me. Several powerful quotes surround me too and they support me day in and day out.

In this episode, I share not only my favorite quote of all time, but I take it apart with you so that you may apply the wisdom it contains to whatever you are working toward and and the life experience you desire to create.

I often tell you that “How” is none of your business. Listen to this episode. This is the way the “How” shows up.

Whether you’re working to achieve and accomplish something in your personal, professional or spiritual life, taking action as instructed within these words will help you to make a quantum leap in the direction of all your dreams.

Listen now, follow the instructions and watch what happens.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

Your Dominant Thoughts = Your Present Reality

If you don’t like what is showing up in your life, your business, your organization, and / or your corporation; I strongly recommend you listen to this episode and take action at once.

Most of us, on this positive path of personal, professional and leadership development, have heard it said in many different ways; our dominant thoughts create our reality.

In fact, the quote for today in my ‘My-Tyme Success Planner’ by Paul J. Meyer, the founder of Leadership Management International says this:

“You are where you are and what you are because of the thoughts that dominate your mind.”

And we read in James Allen’s book, As a Man Thinketh:

“As he / she thinks, so he / she is; as he / she continues to think, so he/ she remains. The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to be harmoniously related to their inner state. Men and women do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.”

So that clearly places the responsibility for the results that we experience on us. We have been conditioned to remain in the energy of the problem and the energy of the results we don’t like. We try to find solutions to move out of the hole by continuously focusing only on the hole.

There’s a better way. Understand how what is showing up in your life is directly related to your thoughts and you will have found the master key to experiencing all you desire to be, do and have; personally and professionally.

Listen in now and let’s get started together!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

The Power You Possess

The POWER you possess to be, do, and have it all, exists right where you are; in fact this power is within you whether you realize it or not. In the context I explore with you in this episode, you’ll find that your power is the key to accessing your infinite potential.

The word power has many definitions such as your ability to do or act in the direction of accomplishing and achieving your objectives; energy transferred, momentum.

When it comes to your personal, professional, and leadership development you should consider the elements that grant you power or where your power actually resides.

In this episode I suggest that your power lies in your awareness of choice, decision, intention, and commitment. We’ll explore all of these in this podcast and how they contribute to your power to accomplish the desires of your heart; your goals, dreams and objectives; personally and professionally.

Click below and listen now to move into a deeper awareness of the power within you.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA

Personal, Professional and Leadership Development

What’s the Plan? Start NOW!

Have you looked at the calendar lately? While I believe all these episodes are timeless and valid any time, any day, any year; as I got ready to record this one I realized that the fourth quarter of this current year is fast approaching.

Now usually I start asking you to consider what you want in the year ahead sometime closer to the end of the year. However, when it comes to personal, professional and corporate goal achievement, improving performance, productivity and leadership skills, the time is always right, right now.

If you want to be strategic about that which you desire to accomplish in the coming months and the coming new year, this is the time to not only plan, but to also learn how to plan properly, efficiently and in an orderly way.

There is a certain way to make more effective use of your time and it all begins with the strategic identification process in six key areas that I begin to outline in this episode.

Listen in now and stay tuned to all the upcoming episodes for all the tools you need to make quantum leaps in your progress.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Decision – Make Up Your Mind

“There is a single mental move you can make which, in a millisecond, will solve enormous problems for you. It has the potential to improve almost any personal or business situation you will ever encounter and it could literally propel you down the path to incredible success. We have a name for this magical mental activity, it is called DECISION.” – Bob Proctor

In my last episode I invited you to begin thinking about what you want to create in your life, personally and professionally, in the year ahead. I even gave you some powerful exercises to help you get this done.


What did you decide? This seems to be the most difficult thing to do for most people. They get stuck in an ambivalent state unable to make a choice as to what direction they would like to take their personal and professional life. To make matters worse, most people look to their own circumstances or the circumstances in the world around them, to help with their decision or non-decision making process.

Decisions should be based on what you want. Whether you want it or not should be the only consideration. You’ll find the way, the how will show up and so will the money. Stop asking how much something is and other questions based on circumstances. Begin at once to deliberately design your life based on what will quench the thirst created by your inner longing for something more and your discontent with what is currently showing up.

You can do this and the magic starts to happen once you make a committed decision. I have seen it happen over and over and over again.

Listen in now as I take a deep dive into DECISION.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International