Be – Do – Have – Making Quantum Leaps
Have you explored the concept of ‘be, do, have’ when it comes to goal achievement and your own personal and professional development? This just may be one of the missing pieces you’re looking for if you’re seeking to make quantum leaps in the direction of your most spectacular aspirations.
This is applies to individuals, small businesses and entrepreneurs, and in the corporate environment as well. Listen in to this episode to discover how you might apply this concept and become much more effective in all your daily efforts.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Mental Faculties VI: Perception
In today’s episode I wrap up a look at our six mental faculties by taking a look at perception. Perception is the faculty of mind involved in processing the input our mind receives from our senses, then making determinations based on previously processed data. Add perspective into the mix and you can quickly see how this is a very powerful mental faculty you will definitely want to exercise and utilize intentionally.
Becoming aware of and then developing our six mental faculties is the key to learning to live life from the inside out rather than from the outside in. When we cultivate these faculties, we quickly see how they become supportive of everything we desire to accomplish in life both personally and professionally.
Life for most is a series of reactions to what is happening in the world around them. We don’t have control over what’s happening outside of us so that’s a very ineffective way to live life, especially if we have big dreams and goals we would like to accomplish.
As we exercise and develop all these mental faculties they become powerful tools that assist us to make quantum leaps in the direction of all we wish to be, do and have in our lives.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Mental Faculties V: Reason
I continue to move through a basic exploration of our six mental faculties. In this episode we take a look at number five; reason. Reason is our thinking faculty that is ceaselessly sorting and processing the data we receive from our five senses. Reason can be supportive of all we wish to be, do and have in our lives both personally and professionally when we learn how to use it properly.
Reason can help us filter out all the input that is non-supportive of our objectives. This is so important since most of us tend to be reactive to the outside world rather than discerning, deciding, and considering an appropriate response or none at all. What we allow in has the potential to change our frequency which in turn impacts our emotional state. Without developing the faculty of reason and using it properly, we may unconsciously give away our power to something we don’t want.
You often hear me speak about the basic equation of manifestation which is thoughts + feelings + actions = results. This is an equation or cycle that is always in operation whether we are aware of it or not. It’s simply the way we’re wired and how we move images from the invisible world of non-form to the visible world of form. Listen in to see how reason plays an important part in this equation and the potential power it contains to impact and influence what is showing up in our lives.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Mental Faculties IV: Memory
I continue to move through a basic exploration of our six mental faculties. In this episode we take a look at memory and how our memory can be supportive of all we wish to be, do and have in our lives both personally and professionally.
In fact, becoming aware of and then developing ALL of our six mental faculties is the key to making quantum leaps when it comes to goal achievement. These faculties are our power tools that enable us to live life from the inside out rather than from the outside in.
When we cultivate these faculties, we quickly see how they can all serve us and become supportive of everything we desire to accomplish in life.
In this episode I also talk about the power of remembering forward, our future memory and consulting our future self for guidance along with a few techniques for raising our vibration and moving to the level of an attractive frequency.
Listen in now and move a little closer to the life you would love to live!
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Mental Faculties III: Will (Focus)
Becoming aware of and then developing our six mental faculties is the key to learning to live life from the inside out rather than from the outside in. When we cultivate these faculties, we quickly see how they become supportive of everything we desire to accomplish in life both personally and professionally.
Life for most is a series of reactions to what is happening in the world around them. We don’t have control over what’s happening outside of us so that’s a very ineffective way to live life, especially if we have big dreams and goals we would like to accomplish. Stay tuned to this podcast as we move through each of these faculties.
Last week we explored the mental faculty of intuition and how it serves us well as we listen to it pointing the way, nudging us in a certain direction or directing us to follow through or not follow through one way or another.
As we exercise and develop all these mental faculties they become powerful tools that assist us to make quantum leaps in the direction of all we wish to be, do and have in our lives.
In this episode the next mental faculty we examine is WILL. And we’re not talking about willpower or being willful. In this context we look to WILL as the power we have to focus intently on our worthy ideal. Our energy flows where our attention goes so developing this faculty is critical to the achievement of our desired objective.
Listen in now to learn more about this and for a few ways that you can exercise and strengthen this faculty of the WILL.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International