From Stuck to Manifestation Acceleration
This show is about helping you to make a quantum leap from where you are now to where you want to be; the realization of your greatest vision for your life, personally and professionally.
Of course the first step is getting started by deciding what it is you want by identifying your dreams and desires for you personally and / or your objectives professionally for your small business or on your corporate teams. I have found that even this step is difficult for most people. They get stuck on the ‘how’? They get stuck by not giving themselves permission to dream big enough and the list goes on. Then even if they do decide on the one big dream goal they are going to pursue, there comes a few roadblocks where almost everyone gets stuck.
If you are aware of these stoppers at the beginning of your quest you can identify them when you are stuck then get to work on the solutions to move you along your way and into your quantum leap.
In this episode I help you to identify where you might be stuck. We’ll take a deeper dive in the next few episodes too, working on solutions. For now, listen in and get out of that funk quickly whenever these stoppers show up that keep you stuck.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Shifting Consciousness – Supporting Tools
In last two episodes, I invited you to determine what is taking up valuable ‘mental space’ or ‘bandwidth’ in your own consciousness. This is about observing what is ‘on your consciousness plate’ so to speak, specifically the non productive stuff that is not supportive of the objectives you hope to realize as soon as possible.
We reviewed areas where you may need to do some ‘letting go’ then I shared the first tool you can use to assist you. In today’s episode I offer a few more tools so that you can get the full benefit from the releasing process while remaining in an always on conscious awareness of the ideal you seek to create, .
There is a certain process you must learn to put in place in order to be successful in letting go and aligning with the frequency of your ideal life. Move in these goal supportive elements and they will assist you in making quantum leaps in the direction of the life you would love to live.
Listen in now to apprehend these supportive tools.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Identifying Your Paradigms and Internal Programming
“To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgement is to put yourself at significant risk when exploring the future. To be able to shape your future you have to be ready and able to change your paradigm.” – Joel Barker
Your paradigms are responsible for your habitual behavior and almost all of your behavior is habitual. It is this habitual behavior that yields the life you are currently living. If you want to move into a greater experience of life and living, along with the realization of your most outrageous dreams and desires, you must first understand what paradigms are then get to work on identifying yours.
In the corporate environment we call these paradigms culture and corporate attitude. If you want to experience any significant change and quantum leap movement in the direction of your goals, personally and professionally, you must absolutely be about the business of identifying your conscious and subconscious paradigms; often referred to as internal programming.
This is by far the biggest stumbling block for most people and most companies. Not because paradigms can’t be changed, but because they are overlooked and not given much thought. However, they remain in control of what is showing up as results. If you want something different, an experience of the life you would love to live, you must get to work on paradigms.
This is the next step you must take after identifying what it is you really want, personally and professionally. Listen in to this episode for a deeper dive into all of this as we take this necessary step together.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Be – Do – Have – Making Quantum Leaps
Have you explored the concept of ‘be, do, have’ when it comes to goal achievement and your own personal and professional development? This just may be one of the missing pieces you’re looking for if you’re seeking to make quantum leaps in the direction of your most spectacular aspirations.
This is applies to individuals, small businesses and entrepreneurs, and in the corporate environment as well. Listen in to this episode to discover how you might apply this concept and become much more effective in all your daily efforts.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International
Mental Faculties VI: Perception
In today’s episode I wrap up a look at our six mental faculties by taking a look at perception. Perception is the faculty of mind involved in processing the input our mind receives from our senses, then making determinations based on previously processed data. Add perspective into the mix and you can quickly see how this is a very powerful mental faculty you will definitely want to exercise and utilize intentionally.
Becoming aware of and then developing our six mental faculties is the key to learning to live life from the inside out rather than from the outside in. When we cultivate these faculties, we quickly see how they become supportive of everything we desire to accomplish in life both personally and professionally.
Life for most is a series of reactions to what is happening in the world around them. We don’t have control over what’s happening outside of us so that’s a very ineffective way to live life, especially if we have big dreams and goals we would like to accomplish.
As we exercise and develop all these mental faculties they become powerful tools that assist us to make quantum leaps in the direction of all we wish to be, do and have in our lives.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International