Our Words Create – The Power of I Am Statements

Perhaps you already know that your paradigms are in control of your results. Maybe you’ve been listening to this podcast or studying personal and professional development material and you know that your programming, found in your paradigms, needs to change.

Did you know that there are really only two ways we can change the non-supportive habits found within our paradigms? One way is through constant, spaced repetition of supportive, present tense, affirmative statements announcing the desired condition.

But what happens when the inner dialogue or monkey chatter starts to vehemently disagree with your broadcast? It’s important to know that the subconscious mind will remain attached to the idea which has bonded with a dominant feeling and emotion.

In this episode you’ll learn how to create a work around using your words that WILL impact and influence your results. This is the key to becoming more attractive to what you want to show up in your life.

Listen in now for details.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Being a Person of Increase – A Daily Habit for Transformation

If you want a shortcut to living the life you would love to live, be sure you plug into your daily routine what I share in this episode. This is about becoming a person of increase and doing things in a certain way. If you make this a daily habit, along with a consistent gratitude practice, there is nothing that you can’t be, do, and have in your life especially when you combine this with the five step manifestation process I shared in previous episodes.

It may sound simple and elementary but this is definitely a game changer. It’s one of the easiest ways we can be sure we are working in harmony with the laws of infinite potential. And make no mistake, this applies to our personal and professional lives. This should be a requirement in our small businesses and in our corporations, from the board room to the guest room and within every department. If you want to make an immediate impact that influences your bottom line, start doing things in this certain way now, as I share in this episode, and watch what happens!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Abundant Living

Living an abundantly blessed life, both personally and professionally, starts with consciousness. Abundance and prosperity surrounds us, we are immersed in it. Living a rich life is something to be claimed, the gift has already been given.

The great news is that you can begin right now wherever you are. Take a few minutes and listen in to today’s episode and begin the transformation, the renewal of your mind, that will move mountains and allow prosperity to start rushing in.

It’s not always about material possessions either. However, when you get your consciousness in alignment with your Source, all good things including riches, however you define them, will flow into your life on the wings of ease and grace.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Manifestation and the Self Image

In this episode we explore the importance of the self-image when it comes to all we would like to be, do and have in our lives. We may have wonderful and expansive big dream goals and intentions, however, we won’t be able to experience growth beyond the self-image we hold of ourselves.

If your self image is limiting in any way it will also limit what you can manifest in the world of form. This is tied in with your paradigms and your beliefs. This is true for the individual, the small business owner and for the corporation seeking to improve its image, culture, brand, energy and attitude.

The good news is that once we are aware of the impact and influence our image has, and then identify what our current self image is and where it is limiting us, we can go about creating and installing a new one!

Listen in for details about how we can all do this and begin at once.

In this episode we conclude this series on the step by step process of manifestation. This is episode twelve in this series and includes the Five Step Manifestation Procedure. You may want to go back and download the last twelve episode as they will eventually be made private, put together in a program, then made available for purchase. Get them now while you still can at no charge!

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International

Manifestation: Support System

In the last two episodes I shared information about all the things that can potentially be stumbling blocks as we set out to intentionally and deliberately make manifest the life we would love to live.

In today’s episode I offer practices that are supportive along our way while the law of gestation is at work. By replacing old worn out habits that are non-supportive of our objectives with the manifestation support mechanics offered in this episode, we will become less susceptible to distractions that delay the materialization of our desires.

Make no mistake, whether we want to experience different and more desirable results in our personal life or our professional life, or both, the process is the same as outlined in these last few episodes.

This process works and it works all the time because it’s law. To experience your biggest, wildest, craziest most outrageous dreams, the ones that excite you and scare you at the same time; as an individual, a small business owner or in your corporate environment, it begins here and now with an understanding of these Laws of Infinite Potential and doing things in a certain way.

Listen in now.

Dr. Koz (and effect!)

Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.

The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International